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Reaper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Reaper (DayZ)

  1. Reaper (DayZ)

    Forest Fires?

    Haha, pretty cool idea.
  2. Reaper (DayZ)

    Door sounds

    Would definitely add to the scare factor.
  3. Reaper (DayZ)

    Extreme DayZ Video must watch shootout

    How high were you when you made this video?
  4. Reaper (DayZ)


    You can't because of the advantage it gives you over other players.
  5. Reaper (DayZ)


    Should be able to just press enter/click okay and it'll go away and continue loading.
  6. Reaper (DayZ)

    Dayz Melee last resort

    Only thing I'd support is maybe a kick upwards when on the ground and in a bad state that could stun a close zombie, apart from that I wouldn't really support much more unless it could be argued to be a valuable/necessary thing.
  7. Reaper (DayZ)

    Removing High Powered Weapons and Silenced Weapons

    First reply pretty much summed up this one. The realism is simple, the weapons are found on military vehicles or in military-like structures for the most part. It is believable that some weaponry would be left behind.
  8. Reaper (DayZ)

    Assaulting A Fortified Compound

    Amazing footage, just watched the whole video, I loved the way your team worked and really liked the way the overwatch passed radio control to the assault team and the way the assault team breached the compound and secured it. Congratulations on your findings, well deserved.
  9. Reaper (DayZ)

    The Gray Area

    Awesome read, R.I.P Tom, your selflessness saved the life of Courier and he lives to tell your tale.
  10. Reaper (DayZ)

    Is this feasible?

    It is definitely an interesting concept, if all the potential flaws could be figured out then I think it'd be a nice thing to have on hardcore/vet servers. I think the idea of being able to be robbed would be cool, possibly have it so the player has to pick a lock or something to enter. I think being killed is a bit harsh but maybe the cold idea above could be factored in. Houses = able to have locks, no colds, however not portable and more likely to be found Tents = Portable, no locks, able to catch cold (player loses blood slowly til say 6000 blood and perhaps vision/movement impediments), hard to find when hid right.
  11. Reaper (DayZ)

    Is this feasible?

    I think it'd be a cool thing to add to a veteran/hardcore server, would other players be able to kill you? or just rob you for your belongings?
  12. Reaper (DayZ)

    Is this feasible?

    So with this suggestion are you saying that you can effectively be killed while offline? Because at the current time the character technically remains in the world, while not visible, you still lose hunger/get thirsty.
  13. Reaper (DayZ)

    Killed 3 bandits in the 30 minutes after my respawn.

    Nicely done, saves you having to loot the items, huh :P
  14. Reaper (DayZ)

    Slow Boat

    Use it as a slower but safer way of travelling, either that or become a ferry boatman for people stuck in the ocean with that glitch haha.
  15. Reaper (DayZ)

    A way to keep vehicles between servers

    Why would you need to carry a vehicle between servers? Also above post summarises how unrealistic it is.
  16. Reaper (DayZ)

    Today's Day Z Gameplay

    Bad luck mate, I'm surprised they didn't shoot you the first time, most 2 man groups would have.
  17. Reaper (DayZ)

    Dear Bandits

    So much hostility man!
  18. LOL, I think I had this happen to me once and was like wtf haha
  19. Reaper (DayZ)

    Sorry lads.

  20. Reaper (DayZ)

    Armed Zombies...(??)

    I don't really like the idea, I think it'd be too messy and kinda detract from the simulation a bit. I mean yeah zombies aren't real but zombies that can shoot are a lot less believable and would make me feel like I was playing an FPS rather than a survival game.
  21. Reaper (DayZ)

    Oh look.. a rainbow!

    that is heaps cool
  22. Reaper (DayZ)


    You don't need a toolbox to repair, just get the part, scroll your mousewheel and choose the part you wish to repair.
  23. Reaper (DayZ)

    Aww Man

    Pepsi is a reason to kill you. It's a dog eat dog world.
  24. Reaper (DayZ)

    Nemesis: A mega-zombie

    I don't think the game is ready for a higher tier zombie. I think when the game is fully released it'd make a good future update as part of a large update, however at the moment I feel as though the current zeds while with their own bugs/flaws, are more then enough for the player to feel like they are in the midst of an apocalypse. Like stated, ever been trapped in a building or running from a large group of zeds? It isn't an easy thing to outrun/get away from.
  25. Reaper (DayZ)

    Business as usual

    That Jim... What a rascal.