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Reaper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Reaper (DayZ)

  1. Reaper (DayZ)

    Let friends spawn together

    I think this idea has it's pros & cons. For pros, you obviously have the enhanced gameplay for team based players & the ability to regroup quicker and get back to adventuring, however on the con side, you have the potential for abuse of this system. Couple of bad dudes get killed, they respawn together and travel along the coast picking off & outnumbering the lone wolf survivors 2-3:1, sure at first it'd be a rare occurrence but once people realized the fun in hunting a player when you outnumber them they'd start doing it too and it could quickly get out of hand. Meeting halfway I guess would be okay but I think it should be further addressed by halfing what you spawn with. AKA if 2 people spawn together, they spawn with 1 weapon, 2 food, 2 water bottles, and have to work together to find weaponry etc. This reduces the above point of people teaming up to cause havoc on the coast.
  2. Reaper (DayZ)


    Awesome idea, I remember on Zelda after killing lots of monsters/questing for what seemed like ages, fishing was a good break from the norm and it'd be pretty good if the odd loot could be found from fishing on DayZ (aka the poor survivor who on his last legs collapsed trying to refill his water bottle only to perish to the bottom of the lake/sea).
  3. Reaper (DayZ)

    Business as usual

    Poor Jim, he took a chance in a world of wolves and lambs & just happened to chance upon a wolf on this particular day. RIP buddy, maybe next time you'll find that kinder person.
  4. Reaper (DayZ)

    How to stop people from playing Day Z

    Try mixing up your gameplay style mate, I was usually just spawning and heading for a coastal major city, now I'm looting smaller buildings for just enough supplies to head north and starting to team up with players (only via steam/TS) and having even more fun then I was before. Grab a recording program too and record some moments of gameplay, seems to make it funner for me knowing that I'm getting some cool footage for a future video.
  5. Reaper (DayZ)

    The Misfits : A Day Z video thread.

    Really entertaining, even without the footage the commentary was funny enough to keep watching haha, subscribed for future videos.
  6. Reaper (DayZ)


    This over a video of a helicopter supplies run would be badass, would make me feel like the players were going to war haha.
  7. Reaper (DayZ)

    Be warned when throwing a frag

    Picked one up yesterday, now I know of its awesome ability, I feel a overwhelming sense of power... Mwahaha. Not srs, after all these horror stories I'll probably consider dropping it from my inventory for the safety of myself and all around me ha.
  8. Reaper (DayZ)

    Are you able to play Dayz 4 free?

    Gotta buy Arma II: OA to play the game, it is definitely worth the investment though, an awesome game with a great community.
  9. Reaper (DayZ)


    Saved a zombie apocalypse right there.
  10. Reaper (DayZ)

    New Item For Hospitals

    I think a rate of 2000 an hour is a pretty solid rate to stand by. Too much and you're basically making the interaction/process of blood bags redundant (even if the drop is rare, players are resourceful enough to hoard even the rarest of items). 2000 an hour is a rate that while you gain blood back, you still aren't out of danger. Maybe as an added bonus if you are low blood it could take away the side effects like altered vision etc while regenerating.
  11. Reaper (DayZ)


    Lmao, so much win. You sir are a wizard.
  12. Reaper (DayZ)

    Ammo bags/crates

    Ammo bag sounds like a cool idea, kind of like how all your tools/gadgets are kept in a seperate panel to the loot you find. Ammo crates in vehicles only would be a pretty cool bonus for people who manage to build a vehicle.
  13. Reaper (DayZ)

    First step should be in this direction...

    Why should someone that chooses to kill another player be punished for doing so? The other player has to let the player get close or simply be unaware of their surroundings for long enough to be killed. Your logic is flawed at best my friend, many people have posted threads about the need for bandits, I'll recap a few points, bandits make people be more careful when they travel, without bandits/player-killing this game revolves around avoiding walkers, which for the most part is not a very hard thing to do with some common sense, and use of appropriate movement controls. Punishing a bandit for making the game a better place is counter-productive and would make people not want to be a bandit. Besides the current ratio is like 9 survivors to 1 bandit anyway.
  14. Reaper (DayZ)

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    Seems to really be clutching straws on this one :\ It isn't that big of a deal surely...
  15. Reaper (DayZ)

    The greatest moment I have experienced on dayz

    Awesome video haha, from 10 mins onwards I felt your desperation to find a ladder/safety, the ending was good too, just shows that all it takes is one wrong move and you're bleeding and need to stop for a bandage which in that case just wasn't possible
  16. Reaper (DayZ)

    Store the flashlight

    In terms of how useful it can be to helping you travel through the night I have no issue that it takes up a secondary or couple of spaces in my backpack, I still have my primary :)
  17. Reaper (DayZ)

    DayZ Movie Poster

    That is awesome, like stated a zombie in that background would look badass.
  18. Reaper (DayZ)

    Moderators please revive my health.

    Welcome to the jungle.
  19. I love sessions like them, really brings a reality into the game and makes it feel like an episode of The Walking Dead or a tense moment in a movie, its the same reason I've installed recording software and record alot of my sessions now because it makes awesome footage.
  20. Reaper (DayZ)

    Would rather start with a compass and have no pistol

    I definitely would support this idea but at the same time, it has it's unfairness about it too. Bandits would be more than happy to wait for a weaponless survivor to appear and chase them down til they caught them because they knew they couldn't fire back. You'd have to outwit the bandit.
  21. Only problem is when the players kite the zombies away from towns/spawn and log then log onto the next server way away from the town, if a group of survivors are on that server moving through town and happen to be in the path of the herd that just aggro then it could be a potential griefers heaven. Aggro walkers, kite out of town, log, log back in on busy server cause uncontrollable (for 3rd parties) mayhem.
  22. Reaper (DayZ)

    Characters with different physical conditions

    I like the idea of differing body shapes/sizes but I'm not a big fan of randomly selected body types/perks to each body type. I think it kind of sandbags someone into a role (slow mover, stay on coast due to longer travel time inland, fast mover always inland) and some people may not like that. I think something like body types/perks would factor in well if a class/stats system was ever implemented (which I'd say is pretty unlikely).
  23. Reaper (DayZ)

    Crossbow Bolt "Quivers"

    I along with probably 99.9% of players support this and I'd say it's probably on a long list of ideas to implement over the coming months :)
  24. Reaper (DayZ)

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    I really disagree, I believe this mod is a REALISTIC mod, meaning that if you were to think like a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world you'd have to be careful as you do on DayZ, not only of walkers but of survivors, who knows what that guy crawling across the field is willing to do for a can of beans.
  25. Reaper (DayZ)

    Implement a currency item such as gold coins.

    I'm all for the idea of a trade window, currency not so much, having a central currency can become an issue and places more value on the items rather than the use of the item itself (AKA people will hoard). I like that items don't really have a set value at the moment and that it depends on the survivors immediate needs as to how much value they place on the items they need to trade.