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Everything posted by nerolus@gmail.com

  1. nerolus@gmail.com

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Thanks for the update! Do you have any idea if it is possible to fix the bug where you can hear flies all over the place in spots, but there are no bodies? I seem to have invisible corpses. Using the latest patches/beta.
  2. nerolus@gmail.com

    Who plays with the beta patch? (And what server?)

    I installed it but I seem to not be seeing any loot spawns (may just be looted bone dry...) and I hear TONS of flies around towns and on the shore but all bodies are invisible, or someone went on a body-hiding spree. I'm going to restart and rejoin to see if that fixes it or changes anything. So far nobody seems to be using it, bummer. I use it and usually stick to Dallas 5 under the character name Gray.