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Xing (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Xing (DayZ)

  1. Jdz, I think that was me that you killed :o We didn't log out cos of zombie agro, we logged cos someone (you?) were shooting at us from the hills. I got shot, and ran inside and bandaged. (I didn't know this was illegal, as I thought it was only illegal if they had like a direct line of sight, whereas I ran into the building) I then logged in a while later, and was shot by you. So lol, gg ^^ Sorry about that, btw.

  2. Hey Bonkey, I just wanted to say that you have done a great job on the server, and it's definitely my new go-to server when i start-up my PC :3. I just have a question though, I was just wondering if you can see the chat that people put into the server? Say if i put 'LuLz found heli zomg' into the group chat or something, would you be able to see it? Seeing as you're the admin and all :P. By the way, I also apologise for 'Combat Logging' I believe you called it, I didn't actually know it was illegal :o Thanks again!
