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About Khoysta

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Khoysta

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    4 shots (with 60% chest placement) for complete death (3 shots would be lying on the ground) at 100-150m. Also it was against fanatic insurgents believing they are fighting for their religion. But it depends on the body size,the distance of the shots and shot placement.
  2. Khoysta

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    ~4 (5-6 for vest) for 5.56, and 2-3 (~3 for vest) for 7.62 in COIN (J&K).
  3. As much as I want this, it would make the game easier (kind of like it does wrt the Bloodsuckers in Stalker with their reflecting eyes). And if it is implemented, then other materials (food tins/glass/metal parts etc) should also reflect light.
  4. Khoysta

    Weapon Damage table changes.

    Yeah, I would have loved to fire that round. I have only fired the 64 grain heavy and M855 on a 18" barrel. I too wish the weapon damage are redone, as the 7.62mm round will be more suitable for the close quarters battles observed in DayZ (due to their penetrative qualities although the damage/physics would need to be correspondingly implemented).
  5. Khoysta

    Weapon Damage table changes.

    No it is not designed with the other enemy will save the first enemy myth and the round keeps pace with the 7.62mm in close quarters. Although, it is not suited for long distance engagements compared to the larger round due to the large drop in energy. The wounding myth comes from the fact that the smaller round creates a massive wound but comparatively low hydrostatic shock effect and requires a chest or head shot for an effective kill as the enemy is able to carry on fighting. Whereas the larger round creates high hydrostatic shock effects and the tissue destruction extends beyond the wound axis and produces incapacitation more quickly than the bleed loss effect displayed by the smaller round.
  6. Khoysta

    Denser Vegetation.

    I think the guy means pc's and this will require time in order to cater for all DayZ players, even those with low spec pc's.
  7. Khoysta

    Choose body shape of avatar

    There will be no benefit to being fat within this game as you would be easily overrun by the infected, and will require lots more food, blood pack in order to regain health. Also, greater area for another player to hit with greater trauma and you won't be able to fit in vehicles as well (or as Homer would say, require two seats for the twins)
  8. Realistic bullet damage should take preference than balancing the game. There are many threads/people who want to keep the AS50 and many to remove it. Also how would increasing the damage of all sniper rifles to that of AS50 solve the problem of the AS rather than pseudo AS50's?
  9. Khoysta

    My dear Hero.

    You play with a trackpad?
  10. Khoysta


    There is a way of countering prions irl, although it is next to impossible in the DayZ universe. (unless an entrepreneur orders one of these http://www.avure.com...0-july-2007.pdf and sets up a cannibal restaurant). Exposing hot dogs containing a paste of scrapie prion-infected brain tissue to temperatures of 120-135 degrees Celsius (250-275 degrees Fahrenheit) and short bursts of ultra high pressure, in excess of 100,000 psi retains the basic texture and flavor of the processed meat while reducing the prions to non-infective levels. http://www.nih.gov/n...03/ninds-05.htm This process would destroy the flavor of other cuts of meat (which might be good in a way).
  11. Khoysta


    All I would want is stormy weather (high rain/winds/thunder/lightning) with damage to vegetation and structures/vehicles (which I haven't seen in any game I have played so far), and possibly minor flooding (if it can be implemented) due to the rains.
  12. All good ideas, but how will this increase co-operation between strangers. It will be used within groups and such but I don't see how a complete stranger will help a loner, especially if the loner has good gear.
  13. You are killing another character in a game why does it affect you in real life or how you feel about youself?
  14. Khoysta

    Why banditing?

    There is one thread like this every other week and it contains basically the same answers given here. Surviving by just gathering food/water etc or building up vehicles gets boring after a while (due to the infected being easy to avoid/evade). So killing other players is a natural progression. Also, why do you expect other players t be friendly and help you?