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Everything posted by SystemFailure

  1. SystemFailure

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    I, personally, would like 1:1 seasons, bound to actual weather in the region, where the server is stationed.
  2. SystemFailure

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I prefer this weapon removed from the game, even though me and my mate are using it very often. I like the idea that I will be spotted much harder.
  3. SystemFailure

    remove helicopter or nerf it

    I think author haven't had a chopper yet. And have no idea what is it like to maintain a helicopter. It is constantly pain in the ass to have enough spare parts, to hide it and to have enough fuel. And these two m240... You cant hit anything but ground with it while flying. Not to mention you cant reload them before server restart.
  4. SystemFailure

    Improved surrender animation

    good idea. I had same thoughts about it too :) Have my beans )
  5. SystemFailure

    Ridable Horses?

    Your name is definetly "Ellis"! :) IMO normal vehicles are more than enough and it is also not so easy to catch wild horse.
  6. SystemFailure

    Please don't implement passing stool

    I'm against it too. Why not making "The Sims" with zombies then?
  7. SystemFailure

    Dynamic water level

    As simple as it sounds. Drought will decrease water level in ponds/lakes and even maybe give access to underwater caves/buildings. Rain should increase water level in ponds/lakes and sometimes cause floods in the nearby area.
  8. SystemFailure

    Dynamic water level

    I noticed, there is no flowing water in ARMA II OA. so maybe they can implement it in SA, because ARMA III will definetely have it. Then it will be easier to port it to DayZ SA. This feature isnt necessary, but having ability to take a s**t isnt necessary either. )
  9. SystemFailure

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    we will not miss you ) back to the topic: hope the game will be released on 21. Dec. :D
  10. so I' ve found a Mi17 and just wanted to ask, if all the vehicles from update are spawning regularly or was this mi-17 just hacked in by some script kiddies? I am playing on DayZ official hive servers.
  11. SystemFailure

    Most wanted list

    So I would like to see something like "Most wanted bandits list". Maybe top 50? I know, you can change your nickname and so on... But it would be still usefull for "friendly" players so they will check for the players on the certain server before join it. P.S.: one more thing. there should be no humanity regeneration while you are still alive, I think. P.P.S.: I am bandit, yes. EDIT: How about "Most Wanted" posters appearing randomly on the buildings? Imagine running through Cherno and than you notice such a poster. You look at the list of players and wtf! there is someone with the same nickname like in the poster! :D
  12. SystemFailure

    Car Batteries

    it is not voltage, that kills you, its amperage. 100 mA is enough to kill. and believe me, if car battery can melt a crowbar, there were enough Amps to kill a human
  13. i kill almost everyone on sight if i can. i wouldnt do that if I knew that this person is not going to kill me. so IMO we need something to be able to distinguish bandits and survivors. there should be no option to regenerate humanity, or it should regenerate too slow. in that case we will definetly be able to differentiate killers and friendly players.
  14. SystemFailure

    Fuel and Cars

    one more thing. aircraft should be filled with fuel only at airfields. these fuel tanks (at airfields) should provide fuel only for aircraft and have greater capacity. probably even something to fuel aircraft automatically, something like electric pump or something else.
  15. would like to know it too. choppers definitely don't respawn on server restarts
  16. SystemFailure

    Pending Update: Build

    Just. amazing. I. Can't. believe!!!!!
  17. SystemFailure

    Pending Update: Build

    oh no!! no helicopters in that patch :( i've waited so long, hoping to be able to fly ((
  18. SystemFailure

    Pending Update: Build

    any ETA on helicopters, maybe? this week, this month... etc?
  19. SystemFailure

    Pending Update: Build

    I would like to know this too! We need this!
  20. SystemFailure

    Pending Update: Build

    +1. we need helicopters, please!
  21. SystemFailure

    Enable Helicopters

    any ETA on helicopters? please ^_^
  22. SystemFailure

    Enable Helicopters

    new player syncing system was introduced in 1.7.2. BUT! would it help in case of helicopters?
  23. SystemFailure

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    +1. Cant wait to fly over Cherno :D
  24. SystemFailure spawnbug still appears

    same thing by me