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Mushy (DayZ)

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About Mushy (DayZ)

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  1. Mushy (DayZ)

    How many FPS?

    Sorry ):
  2. Mushy (DayZ)

    How many FPS?

    ArmA makes everyones computer cry. It's very CPU intensive. Not very GPU intensive like most of todays games.
  3. Mushy (DayZ)

    How many FPS?

    You don't have enough RAM to use the program properly. You can put the DayZ files in the RAMdisk, but you won't see a large improvement. Also the issue is in the cpu, not the harddrive, a standard laptop drive should be at 5400rpm, not great, but not enough to cause a massive FPS loss, not to mention the FPS loss wouldn't change much when you enter a town, you might lose 5 more fps as it has to seek textures, but that's it. Unfortunately your options here are limited, you're using a 2 core CPU that isn't very powerful, and you can't really upgrade due to the fact that it's a laptop. You'll just have to do lower your settings as much as possible, and hope that helps. Can probably boost the actual visual settings a bit though, your GPU is fine. No postprocessing, AA, AS filtering, or HDR though.
  4. Mushy (DayZ)

    Hacked Gun okay to keep?

    No, you should not keep the gun. But from what I've seen, you won't be banned. It'll be turned into a makarov. For the sake of fairness, just get rid of it. It's a hacked item, are you really in a position where you need to have an advantage so badly that it has to be hacked in? I don't imagine so, so may as well just do the right thing. I got an As50 TWS, thought it was in the game, and not hacked, so I used it, kept it in my pack. Found out it was hacked in the next day, went online and found 2 makarovs in my backpack. I smiled, and laughed my ass off. Put it like this. Do you think it's fair that you get to keep a hacked weapon?
  5. Mushy (DayZ)

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Speak for yourself, I personally welcome a change that disallows people to pop around the map and respawn wherever.
  6. Mushy (DayZ)

    How many FPS?

    Looks like your processor is a little older. Are you on a laptop by chance? That's a gen1 i5, correct? Those come in 2core and 4core if I'm not mistaken, and that would probably be your issue. Your video card is fine, so the resolution probably wouldn't effect it much, this is more than likely a CPU issue.
  7. Mushy (DayZ)

    Freeside trading co.

    I honestly don't think I'm going to bother attacking the caravan. Why bother smashing myself against a large squad that will inevitably kill me when there's hoards of free ammunition sitting in the sniping spots around it?
  8. Mushy (DayZ)

    Old Bandit skin

  9. Mushy (DayZ)

    Old Bandit skin

    Keeping this up, I want to hear from people.
  10. Mushy (DayZ)

    Some NVG and m107 banditry at NW airfield

    Why does your M107 not take up a backpack slot? :/ Mine did so I got rid of it. Don't regret trading it for a DMR, but..That just stings.
  11. Mushy (DayZ)

    Old Bandit skin

    Just curious. How many of you still have the old bandit skin, and wear it with pride? I turned down a ghille the other day (To a friend obviously) to keep mine, not entirely sure how many of us there are left.
  12. Mushy (DayZ)

    Most Wanted Bandits

    Good luck with that whole t3rminalVel0city thing. You'll never find him.
  13. Mushy (DayZ)

    Flashlight doesn't work?

    Uh..What? Since when?
  14. Mushy (DayZ)

    Servers back up.

    Actually it's more like a small business being overrun with roaches and closing it's doors to exterminate them effectively. The server is back up as far as I'm aware.
  15. Mushy (DayZ)

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    I recently traded my M107 for a DMR, it takes up 2 slots, and honestly most accurately placed sniper shots should be killshots anyways. The .50 cal is more for e peen than anything. It roars like a lion and hits like a fucking tank though. Also great for killing someone on the other side of a building, since it..Y'know. Pretty much blows a hole through anything. DMR is great due to variable zoom, M24 is my favourite sniper rifle, and I prefer bolt actions, but the DMR is just more viable, 2 shots over 1 incase of that tiny chance that it doesn't kill in the upper body region, also the ammo for DMR is EVERYWHERE, whereas I've only found a few M24 mags. Didn't use it for long regardless. CZ550 is great for your first rifle, and it's a fantastic rifle allaround, it has it's flaws, but it's easy to find and ammo a plenty, so no complaints here. It gets outclassed at longer ranges, and doesn't hit quite as hard as the others.