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About alpha142

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    On the Coast

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  1. alpha142

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I've had a couple moments that weren't too interesting, but I figure I should share anyway. The first time I ran into a friendly happened just north of the farm south of Novy Sobor and immediately after I had spent the better part of 10 minutes running away from a sniper who had started taking shots at me as I crawled out of Elektro. I'm proud to say that he took six shots at me and missed every one, but it did leave me very shaken and rather jumpy. Anyway, I had passed up the farm without realizing it and doubled back to see if there were any 1866 rounds I could pick up. As I was running along, I hear what sounds like another set of footsteps behind me. I immediately begin to panic and try looking around for whatever was making the noise, only to find a guy with a .50 sniper running after me. Seeing as how he hadn't shot me yet, I reigned in my fear and decided to stop to see what he wanted. After I had crouched, he ran up and, I believe, started looking through my backpack. I think I kind of ruined whatever he had planned though because I ducked behind him and tossed a can of food into his backpack. I wished him a good day and then proceeded to the farm. As far as I know, he didn't follow me. I kind of wish I had stayed, but I was new (still am) and wasn't exactly sure what to do in such a situation. My second took place in Elektro in a different life. I had just ducked into the store after clearing out the house directly south of it. I quickly glanced around at the gear sitting around in the front of the store before I started making my way to the back to close those doors. I had just made it past the counter when someone with an AK ran in through one of the back doors with a zombie tailing him. He backed himself into the northwest corner of the building and turned around to shoot the zombie. Without really thinking of what I was doing, I tried to shoot the zombie but missed. He reacted by immediately pumping around 6 rounds of AK ammo either into the zombie or at me. I couldn't tell because I had ducked behind a wall after firing my missed shot. Panicking, I ran out the door and headed up the hill to the north of the town. After I had lost the zombies following me and had calmed down some, I started crawling back towards the store to apologize for possibly scaring him. I made it to the wooden fence and started using direct chat. There wasn't a response, but I didn't get to wait very long because a zombie spotted me and hit me before I could react. Bleeding and not wanting to take a chance with the store again, I started up the same hill I had just come down, managing to catch almost every zombie in the area. At this point I figured I was more or less dead because I was losing blood pretty quickly, and I didn't have enough ammo to take out all of the zombies. Seconds before I made it to a line of small trees and bushes, a shot rings out directly ahead of me. I'm not sure if it was aimed at me or the zombies behind me, but it sure as crap made me panic even more. Nevertheless, I continued on my path towards the bushes in hopes that they were shooting at the zombies. I made it to the treeline and a second shot rings out, taking the zombie aggro off of me. Deciding to use the time I have, I duck behind a tree and bandage myself, offering a quick thanks to the person before running off. I probably should have stayed to see if they needed help or if they were actually helping me, but I was still very much in panic mode. If you were the one that saved me, thank you!