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About LeNoobOP

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    On the Coast
  1. LeNoobOP

    Problems With Battle Eye GUID

    I dont see why this would help. Its at the point that my GUID gets " Computed". I have no problems running DayZ at all.
  2. LeNoobOP

    Problems With Battle Eye GUID

    Ah , the only thing i hadn't thought of. Do you have any idea what it could be ?
  3. Well , after numerous attempts to fix a problem where my game freezes as soon as Battle eye GUID pops up and renders me unable to play I have decided to post to this forum. Earlier i was on a version of battle eye that was outdated . i joined an server and was fine, Until it updated to its latest version and POW the second the GUID message appears. Instant freeze. I cant screenshot this problem because the second this appears i have to restart my PC This problem is just a pain in the ass and I'd really like someone to help. I have looked and tried everything possible that's been posted to fix this. NOTHING works as far as i know.