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Everything posted by Fastj@ck

  1. Question: Is it possible to fix the wheels of a dirtbike? I heared that isn't possible.
  2. Is it possible to remove some spawns like this one where you spawn in SToby inside of a house. Isn't fun to start with broken legs and bleeding. I mean its better to spawn in open terrain as in a house
  3. Same here. Got kicked for idling in the receiving data process
  4. Lol, and i tought first i was the only one who died because of the lack of food. Agreed. Good suggestion. I like the survival aspect of the game too. Let start the fight for the last cows xD.
  5. I like the idea of ChernarusRedux. I'm sad about crossing an small village with no enterable buildings. That makes those places totally uninterresting in my opinion. Additionally, all players are forced to concentrate at the major towns and lower equipped player have not much chances versus the better equipped ones. Makes camping to easy. It would be cool, after you finished your ChernarusRedux project, to see a LingorIslandRedux. I like this map because it have already more towns and villages with enterable buildings and the island looks pretty cool. But first go ahead with your plans.
  6. After trying to play on the server i got the message for bad version. You downgraded the server patch from AO beta patch 97810 to 97771?
  7. All died?! That's hard. Maybe reduce it in those area's and increase it at some other areas, maybe thats balance it a bit. I have an suggestion for you for backpacks (not all types) I don't know if it's possible but what you think about an backpack, that have an "ATTACH TO TENT" option and can store additional items (not much) like the tent? I mean, you have a tent and a special backpack that can be combined to store more items as the normal tent. Maybe reducing the itemslots (50 is standard sofar i know) for the tent and add the attached option for an backpack to it.
  8. Here my 2 beans: In my opinion, to many zed's spawning at the deerstands and some other places. Got killed by a shitload of zombies in the supermarket (you was there) because they all came through the walls and surrounded me. There was no escaping because the obstacles (racks). One break my leg and knocked me out. I died :( but that is the game. Reducing a little bit the amount of spawning zombies in some areas would be great because the ai pathfinding issues of ArmA2 Thanks to the others who tried to helping me. See you all soon.
  9. Fastj@ck

    The most terrifying thing Rocket could add......

    Zombified wolfpacks in the forest and if they start howling u got freezed.
  10. Fastj@ck


    Black SUV's are legit on Lingor? Really?! How it look's with the G36C, the M240 + scope, USMC motorbike (really quitly) and the red Golf Volkswagen? If i watch the DayZ wiki i don't see the ligitimation for that stuff And another mystical equipment, the power generator? All that i saw on Lingor Island. It's important for me because i think we have an Hacker on our private hive and we never changed something on the server.
  11. Fastj@ck

    Sinnloseste Mod ever

    Nimm mal eine leere Whiskeyflasche auf und werfe diese irgendwo abseits von den Zombies. Zombies werden von den Geräusch angelockt und so kannst du diese weglocken und ganz still und Leise zu dem Ort deiner Begierde schleichen. Bitte erzähl mir nicht das du keine leere Flasche findest kannst. Take an empty whiskeybottle and throw it far away from the zombies. Zombies will go for the sound, lure them away and you can sneak silently to your place of interrest. Please don't tell me you can't find a bottle. Play smart
  12. Finally, registration worked now. First, hi to all forum members, DayZ players and DayZ devs. I'm Fastj@ck from germany. Signed up because this post / modrelease. Great thanks venthos for amazing work and don't listen to the flamers, they can't do it better and i still love your fixes and goals. I don't care, if you removed the snipers or silenced weapons. I can live with your changes without sleepless nights. I will visit your server asap and send you my GUID for the whitelist. No worries about me, i'm not a hacker or else or smacktard. I will give it a try and i'm sure i will love it too. I also made a post on our veterans-gaming forum to inform our members because we have much ArmA2 and DayZ players and i believe they will like it too. @Hombre: is that you bro? Our former PR chopper pilot? best regards, FJ