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Everything posted by Appo

  1. So I've been playing this game for the past 2 months perfectly fine. All of a sudden when I boot up everything and I'm getting connecting failed on the one server I play, while all other servers seem to work. In light of trying to fix this I uninstall both arma games and reinstall them. Now I'm getting an error whenever I click on multiplayer that says "Online Support for Arma 2 OA is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. Please try again soon". I reinstalled it again to see if it would fix and it did not. In the bottom left I seem to be on LAN but whenever I click to change it to the internet it does nothing. Using Remote and typing in the ip and port of my server does nothing as well. There is also no filter button. I'll post a screen shot of this shit.
  2. And yet everyone else on my ts3 had it working....hmmm
  3. Hey spawned in the plains 1390394 is my id