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About killernetworkgaming

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  1. killernetworkgaming

    Why no warning on server restart?

    They should put a built in timer count down so when you click to restart the server. The server sends messages to all the players that the server will be restarted in x Amount of time
  2. killernetworkgaming

    Server Provider

    Reboot if your from the Uk the only advice i will give is use GamingDeluxe.co.uk they are by far the best gaming community hosts to the uk.They are very fair with the price and their service is second to none and i mean that. If you have a problem they will fix it.If you need help or advice they will give you neutral advice.If your anywere else just avoid the 1 that stands out the most in everygame. They have the worst service.They run a very poor cpanel in the webby that never works and it takes they very long periods to answer support tickets
  3. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    I dont think they will release the files tbh.I think this has already been thought through by the Dayz Dev Team. I think Dayz is going down the Ea style route. They will give 5 companies the server files for ranked servers [The Dayz Data Base at a premium fee]. Then they will give them another set of unranked files [Not connected to DZDB at a fee]. The patch released the other night was all about security and not the security of hackers but more the fact they could already see people setting up Private Db's. So what they did was remove that feature from the Dayz.exe, gave the 5 providers a new DayZserver.exe. In reality if they were gonna release the files anyway why put so much effort into removing the -server option what harm really comes from the modders getting hold of it or people who are interested in creating Private Hives. The game is were it is now because of people who took the Arma 2 Files Modded it and created Dayz. Dayz became popular and the private hive appeared. Then Dayz grew so much Its now become its own game. As for Hackers they will always be part of Arma & Dayz because of the structure of the game which allows people to make create and mod. So from the level of access you will always get the super noob who thinks its funny to teleport behind you in game kill your 3 days hard work and laugh about it on youTube. As for people saying they should not release the files to the private servers i dont see the reason for this? it will never affect your game play or the quality of service. everyone has a choice and they will make it them selves.People will choose to either go on a private hive or a DayzDb hive. You can tell which servers are connected to the DayzDB and the ones who are not. When i set up our 120man Dayzstandalone server it stated clearly that it was running version 0 were the ranked 1s all said 118332. Anyways Goodluck all enjoy the Dark nights of Dayz [NOW REALY DARK NIGHTS]
  4. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    Tbh having the server files by request would have been a nice way to do it like we used to do with dayz mod.You put your request in you get the server files and get you server whitelisted. I am sure that most communities that went through that process b4 wouldnt mind passing info on from the dedicated box they run. At the moment the problem with gameserver providers hosting it.They are just doing a job they go to work at 9am and finish at 6pm, when patches get released like the other night at say 9pm. We all download the patch automaticly through steam yet the server side is still on the old patch till the providers are next at work. The other issue i think is that the providers who got the files are being little bit cheeky asking for 91dollers for a 40man server which as people keep saying its only in alpha. If this is the true way Dayz want to go and keep servers say ranked and unranked like BF.Then give more providers the files so the prices are a little more realistic. Last thing Rocket you are doing a great job you made The great Mod and Now you have made a great game!!! thanks.
  5. killernetworkgaming

    Server issues

    send them a ticket they will respond usually within 15 hours!!!
  6. Great work Rocket in finding the problems b4 they got out of hand, 1 Thing i dont understand why you would close of the -server on the exe file just stops the people who wanna setup private hives and push other areas
  7. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    currently working on db now
  8. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    This is our server curently running with loot and other bits full at 127 man no desync or anything not hassle taken 10 mins ago
  9. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    We would never had setup a server tbh if the server providers were not charging silly money per slot.Also when the patch came out and I contacted them to do the patch it took 15 hours for a response. Which the reply I got was not really helpful at all "what update has there been a patch, we are currently sorting out our control panel as it dose not like dayz" mmm great help
  10. killernetworkgaming

    Server files?

    we put a private server up with loot working ok and stuff but when the 173772 patch was released they closed it off again. We had the server running 100 man full no issues.
  11. killernetworkgaming


    could do with a stress test on the server if some people could help. al wee would like is people to join around 6pm gm time for around 15 mins to see the load on the server when its full thanks for help
  12. killernetworkgaming


    great new server very friendly community join them on teamspeak 3 while you play & they will more than welcome you. The server is restarted every 3 hours to keep it clean and smooth and for once! it works. If you are unsure just give it a try you will be shocked. I didnt think a 100 man server would run like this. Ts 3 ip is Remember when you have had a great game on this server dont forget to add it