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About zoomlentil

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Near Melbourne
  1. I'm down to play, if you want another female as company and all that. :) Not sure what time zone you're in, I'm in Australia. steam: zoomlentil
  2. Hey guys! I'm relatively new to DayZ, I've only been playing about a week or so, so I don't think I really qualify to join any clans or anything yet. I'm generally not too bad at surviving though, and it's heaps more fun playing with someone than alone. So if anyone's interested in playing, or even forming a small group, that would be cool. I don't have skype, but use Steam voice chat. Any experience level is fine. Age wise, I appreciate maturity so probably no kids, sorry! Working mic is needed obviously. I'm not into being a bandit, just like playing DayZ for what it is. If anyone's interested, get in touch. :)
  3. zoomlentil

    Funny ways you've died.

    Attracted a zombie train, lost them up a hill, then went onto a rocky outcrop to get a view of my surroundings. Character got stuck in the rocks, just jittered in them regardless of what I did. Then heard a crunch and a scream, bled out and died. It was my first ever glitch death so I was pretty damn confused. Second time the free look control glitched and got stuck so I couldn't move properly - got eaten by a zombie.