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ShortsNL (DayZ)

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About ShortsNL (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Nya's reasoning is correct. If you want less players killing each other, add more zombies to the game so players are forced to work together more. More zombies = more risks taken when shots are fired = less PvP. Less zombies = less risks taken when shots are fired as well as the player threat becoming relatively bigger to your own survival = more PvP. It's simple as that.
  2. ShortsNL (DayZ)

    You, you and you. You are all part of the problem.

    This game is about fighting for resources, where the strongest survive and the weakest perish. Darwinism at it's finest I say. Anyone who is going for the same loot as me is a competitor in my eyes, and therefore a hazard to my survival, because he is either getting the resources I need first, or a possible shooter. One way or another, I shoot them, unless he's a friend of mine. I have no problem with others doing the same, and I wouldn't be angry at his choice for killing me if I lose the fight for survival. People need to learn to deal with this harsh reality. The world isn't forgiving, and neither should I (or anyone else) be.
  3. ShortsNL (DayZ)

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Tent placement still seems to be not working properly since I tried setting one up one numerous places, including on a nearly completely flat asphalt road. Rocket, could you please take another look into this? Thanks for all the hard work so far.