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Everything posted by Blenk

  1. Blenk

    Stashing gear

    So, I know how tents work/are supposed to work ;) What I'm wandering is, if I stick some stuff I really want to keep e.g range finders rifle ect in my Alicepack can I hide it in a tree and move on to investigate an area without risk of it de-spawning and or just bugging out and disappearing? I understand that it would be safer to save it in a tent. I'm just hoping I can hide my bag in a bush instead. would there be a chance that if I move a certain disdance away from it then I would lose the things in it or the whole thing? Any and all advise on this would be appreciated. i've only been playing 2 weeks. Tia
  2. Blenk

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    I find it more likely that he has a mundane job and is an alround nice guy. I say this because I'm a cunt in real life and have been very violent to a lot of people for not much reason. However when i play DayZ I'm really social, never murdered onse. Only killed bandits in self defence. my point is, most gaming is excapism. We all love to escape our reality and do the opposite in the virtual world. well maybe some of us just like games.