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About TheDragon117

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    Dayz of course =p
  1. TheDragon117

    Enough with the guns already....

    Thanks, the Hall one was the one I vaguely remembered from back in the day. Referring to the possibility. I just got home from work to look into it further since there was a difference of opinion on it but you guys saved me some research. Really appreciate it and look forward to that now too!
  2. TheDragon117

    Enough with the guns already....

    Really? I'll have to look closer at that. I think it would be great but would like to see it's source.
  3. TheDragon117

    Enough with the guns already....

    I see some of your points, I'm not sure that all comes from the same crew. my meaning before my 6 month break they were showing bear models, and there still isn't a bear coming in, so hypothetically your new bows may have models and whats delaying them is the animation team is still fixing the shouldered animation for the improvised bow and hasn't moved on to say a compound bow. (completely hypothetically) and the guns being leaked may have models and be even further behind a new bow that hasn't be released yet. While some items may have worked fine for a quick video demonstration the stun gun/taser may have more animations that need fixing before they're ready to be put in. If so I'd rather they hold it for a while, rather then having a stun gun that also looks like its impaling me through the armpit like my current bow does if its notched. Modeling crew may have dozens of models ready but need all the other aspects added to it, like the radiation showers and suits that have been "leaked" but as far as I know have no foreseeable in game date. Bows-I concede at them moment is a stick with a rope in it, but thats a model that can be improved, or they can make/may have a whole new one for a lootable hunting bow. They're not intended to shoot long range, especially accurately at longer range. I bow hunted for years growing up because I felt it gave the animal a sporting chance unlike a rifle. they'll take some refinement which I'm sure they're still working on but tweaking a gun reloading animation takes much less work to correct then the animation for 1 bow. I've been playing with the improvised bow and crossbow for weeks now and have had great success with them. Other then the obvious points you made that the shouldered bow is a little (ok maybe a lot) messed up and a quiver would be nice. (Although on a side note I'd prefer a quiver be an item of clothing like the pistol holster that can hold x number of arrows and using the current reload from a hot key system you can draw from the quiver, just my thoughts on that.) I find them incredibly useful for hunting and have managed a couple of kills when I was getting tracked down by another player. They should get a couple animators to fix the bow thing I agree but that doesn't mean we need to stop "gun production" at the moment. Part of my hope is more guns, more kinds of ammo, with time eventually making it rather hard to get a working combination when we're closer to release and feature perfect. Boats- I remember them from the mod, and I remember avoiding them like the plague because getting in one constantly gave you the plague lol. I agree especially if player made maps are on the agenda they'd be a nice asset to have available but the same could be said for guns, different maps different places different weapons to fit the would be more relevant then the AKs, Mosins, and such that we find in Chernarus. They're probably already in the works just like the rest of the guns that are getting "leaked". I'm sure when they started working on vehicles they included anything that was in the mod as each vehicle released and shown has been similar to ones from the mod. I hadn't considered canoes not sure how you would implement the paddling, could easily add a row boat using a similar system, but that could be a lot of fun, especially on player made maps where a quiet movement water vehicle would be desirable. Canned goods- Sorry I must have misread that entirely, that could be a pretty cool feature, especially as you said if they could get maybe throwing a hatchet or a knife to work decently. Throwing is still pretty buggy in general so that may be a ways off though. Just thoughts on it, not disagreeing that other things would be nice to have soon, just may not be related just seem to correlate.
  4. TheDragon117

    Enough with the guns already....

    Thanks, that's why I asked, I hadn't seen it confirmed, and I think the only reference to them as a possibility worth considering was very early on in the process. While I don't mind a pipe dream of how cool horses could be if they could be added I don't want to mistakenly speak about them being added as if its a planned thing if its never been acknowledged by a dev as a sure thing. I know I already said but 6 month hiatus has left me a little out of the loop, and I hadn't see the confirmation in anything I'd read from the devs but I can't keep track of every social media account they've got, wish I could but then I wouldn't have time to play DayZ. Have some Beans Sir!
  5. TheDragon117

    Enough with the guns already....

    Are horses a confirmed thing? I noticed you mentioned them in another post. I love the idea, That being said, personally I'd like to see more civilian guns enter the playground. Guns do require a lot of tweaking for realistic animations, accuracy, so on. Granted right now it can feel more like a complicated FPS with odd side activities and less like survival simulation game but that will hopefully pass by beta and hopefully be long in the rear view mirror by release. We have an improvised bow and a cross bow. Another couple wouldn't hurt for sure but there are only so many variations of that that can be made without going into different draw string lbs and such which wouldn't hurt my feelings but I think the devs could add other aspects/elements that would have greater effect on the game and we have working a working concept place holder, still some tweaking for sure but working. Tasers and stun guns already have working place holders as well, the cattle prod and stun baton. Canned foods are in and that really is just a matter of adding models and values for the different foods, more for beta task then for alpha especially since the food spawns will eventually decrease from what I understand it will just be about the variety later on functions are added smoothing and balancing of it will come later. I don't see how adding more options for can food would have a major impact on game play unless they begin implementing more cooking recipes (which I would love personally) but they still have a lot of work on basic cooking so that could just be a pipe dream. Vehicles are hard for me, don't get me wrong I enjoy my offroad (miss my pickup hint hint devs) its convienient but ultimately I hope that part of the car process gets a lot harder. Not the desync glitches and such but more parts like needing 4 spark plugs for a 4 cylinder engine 8 glow plugs so on and so forth. I'd like a system of having those parts degrade faster and more of a need for gas, even have gas pumps go dry for a while if you've filled up at them too often so that cars can't just be driven endlessly around the map. In the end I hope there are only one or 2 of each vehicle because with the current vehicle spawns (which I realize is probably so lots of them can be tested) I find cars all the time, without a lot more difficulty in maintaining them we aught to be able to fix the zombie problem by the end of the month and rebuild civilization in no time. Also if the timeline is supposed to be a few years (I've heard quoted several times over the years could be wrong), things like gas should require some kind of treatment, it wouldn't be able to be pumped right out and used. Boats, I like the idea but what for? their are two islands and both can easily be reached by swimming. The only major benefits I see to adding boats is if they could implement something like a house boat, or barge that could be a moving off short base. Then small boats for raiding said bases, but from my dealings with Arma engines they struggle with large moving vehicles. They could also/or add more islands off the coast which could be nice as Chernarus is starting to feel a bit small especially with the addition of vehicles. I believe I read somewhere that they would not be adding to overall size to the map, so it would be difficult to add rivers to be used by small boats as a means of transportation and it would only make sense in a few places given the location chosen. Horses I love the concept but I think they need a deep system. Taming them, and maintaining for them as far as keeping them hydrated, fed, healthy. having a way to house them, adding horse shoes and such that wear out over time especially if ridden on paved roads and such. I think it could add a lot to the the game. If they are adding them how to handle a horse whose owner has died, ie does it become wild again, easier to claim, return to the last place it was housed ie stable/barn. If they're working on a system that deep might as well think of other animals that could possibly be used in a similar way. could just be still in the brainstorming phase on that. Planes and choppers, in my humble (probably not well liked opinion) have little to no business in DayZ. Once again just my thoughts but from what I know about planes an choppers (which isn't extensive by any means) would be very difficult to keep functional for very long. Each take off whether flying short or long distances would take up a lot of very precious gas, and parts would be incredibly rare and (if the timeline is to be believed at 5 to 10 years) not in good condition for the precise needs of flight so unreliable. I can appreciate the crashes, maybe someplace in the world we have functioning military forces with the appropriate training to maintain a chopper, but obviously they're having problems too cause theirs 3 falling from the sky pretty regularly not good odds at success. The only way I would try a flight with these options in the real world was if it was to get my butt to a much safer place a thousand+ of miles away. not to hopscotch around the same little barren zombie obstacle course. Just my thoughts grain of salt and what not. I'm coming back after having taken a about a 6 month hiatus from the game, if they still intend to have mods and the ability to make new maps and such, other locations may work better for some of these additions, but the core game with the "default" map these things aren't as pressing. I completely agree I'd like to see some of the systems that have been tested before put back into full effect, and make survival a little more difficult like weather/temperatures and such. I'd like to see zombies more difficult still, pursue you further or faster something to make them less of a nuisance and more of a threat, maybe predators will have some of this effect. I guess other then sharing some of my thoughts and possible ideas for the game is I sure hope the developers have a map of where to go and its not just random items being added based on forum and twitter posts, I could be wrong but I would assume they've got several of these things started or are still working out some of the concept ideas on how to make them work well not just work.
  6. TheDragon117

    How can we fix Hunting

    I would like to see some changes made to the hunting. Having hunted my fair share in real life I have a bit of a problem with skinning and quartering an Elk with a stone knife in a field. Maybe some of these would be taking it a bit far, and might be unrealistic but for my ideal survival game I'd like to see some things like: -I'd like to see the ability/need to field dress large game. Processing a Deer, Elk, or Cow shouldn't be a 5 second animation, so the need to get your game back to a safe place to work on this animal for say 2 minutes in game without eyes peering down on you in a field would be cool. Field dressing an animal could make it so you can slowly drag it, or maybe use a rope to tie it to a car or be able to load it into the back of truck or cargo V3S. Another thing I think would be great is to see is more crafting from animals. couple of examples- -Large Hides and longs sticks could be used for small improvised shelters. -Animal heads can be treated and used to make a hat/helmet with little protection but lots of warmth options. (cause who wouldn't want to wear a wolf or bear hat.) -Bones, especially on larger animals can be used for a lot more then fishing hooks. I could see getting say X number of vertebra from an animal to make a fishing hooks but femurs could be used in place of long sticks for some recipes, a simple improvised weapon/club. Also in cooking a bone can be split open for its marrow or thrown into a pot for flavoring. -I'd like to see a lot more cooking recipes, making a steak but I think eating real meals would be nice. IE-throwing peppers tomatoes and meat into a stew counts for a bit of warmth, hydration, and food. -Catching and storing animals. Kind of stealing a a bit from the game The Forest, but being able to snare a rabbit without killing it, or maybe corral cows into a fence and effectively lock them in and know that you will have a source of food later would be great. Doing so could risk revealing that storage from like you said animal calls and such, maybe increase risk of predators attacking your base. Even having to feed the animals with say plant matter from farming or vegetables to keep them healthy or complacent or risk them getting themselves out in search of food or dying and ruining your food source. -Fresh kills and stored meat should attract predators, like bears and wolves. a tent full of meat might bring a bear down on it that could ruin the tent. Storing it in something like a barrel could deter them or having to hang food in a tree with a rope keeps it safe. -Depending on how many predators scavengers they add you could have a cycle on the dead animals or left over guts from field dressing an animal telling you approximately how long its been dead. like bears or wolves mean its fresh, after they've had their fill a couple hours we're on to crows or buzzards picking at the remains, and flies and or other insects mean its been there for a while. Like I said some of it may be well beyond constraints of the engine or time line, these are just things I think could add a lot of depth to the survival side of the game when it comes to hunting/animals.
  7. Half of my friends despise the newui. I've learned to accept it for what it is, give and take. mostly I like the ability to use my whole tent. Don't get my wrong i miss my healthy status a lot, and knowing if I'm about to get thirsty before I'm actually thirsty. Maybe I'm a bit of a sucker/purist but even though I don't have to I still prefer using tools on the car in new ui, because I've found it has a little more control. Grabbing a damaged tire out of the ui I am not always sure which one is coming off and can't anticipate the impending slide/bounce. where as with a lug wrench I know which tire I'm pulling out. On the other hand with the lug wrench unless you look really closely you usually cant tell which tire is no longer pristine, so you end up playing a guessing game. Its a bit of a toss up, but I've compensated for the loss of statuses by eating and drinking frequently and I just endure the newui. Keeps me in the game more.
  8. TheDragon117

    Nights are way too bright.

    If you don't mind private hive ASTRO server runs a full day and night cycle. Some of my friends don't like it cause they can't get on til late and it is already dark but I like it for the more authentic feel. Having played several nights in nothing but night you learn how to hide from even the gamma tricks. I personally miss the pitch black of the mod, and even kind of hope they don't bring NVG's back. I was personally hoping the helicopter wouldn't return either. Keeping fine tuned equipment like those running in an a zombie wasteland would take serious training and skills that most survivors wouldn't have but that's just my two cents. I think really cold nights would be awesome too, once the sun goes down needing not only light but warmth would create light sources from fires and torches. It would also mean that anyone not ready for the night would have to find shelter create a heat source. A trick we've used for a long time is if you're going against someone in the dark and they're using the gamma trick is create a lot of light really fast, its nearly blinding for them and turns their dirty trick into a hindrance. a few road flares and a couple in the sky makes it nearly impossible for them to see you, giving you a moment to kill them while they change their settings or disappear in a hasty retreat while they scramble to get out of the light.
  9. Vehicles in my experience do have some kind of "status" watching the paint on one my brother and I found every time one of us would have to "bump" it out of a ditch or replace a tire cause we didn't break in time it would get a bit darker. We had one before the traction hotfix that desynced really badly where we couldn't tell we were moving until we got out of it. next thing we know we see the car 20 feet back and halfway up a tree. With very few options at this point we cut the tree down and when it fell the car turned almost black. We left looking for tires thinking we might be able to fix it and thinking well its better camo that color. On our return it had definitely de-spawned maybe 30 minutes later. Couldn't have been stolen it was 5 am and we were the only ones still on the server.
  10. TheDragon117

    Noob Lesson of the Day.

    I'd entertained the notion of streaming once upon a time my friends and I get into some interesting situations, but especially now that persistence is working it seems a bit dangerous to do. So many little things that can be used to watch your behavior to look for your camp and such. Now that I only play on one server that makes it even more likely for someone to use your stream against you. Props to the guys that do it, but I think if I did anything it would just be short little videos, no point in giving possible enemies information on your position even if it s a little delayed. Sucks that happened better luck next time.
  11. I find private hives better for being able to feel out the community IMO. Sort of like I've been playing on ASTRO private since .59 came out. I like that its not like some shards with certain "rules" like PVE only ect.. I like the organic feel of dayz, and feel like the community can make interactions that can involve combat and not if they want to. I've been shot out right numerous times and I've shot numerous people. Usually I'd rather try and interact to an extent but DayZ is DayZ. Thing I've found on ASTRO that I like is I've heard people on the radios from time to time telling me not to come to a certain place, I've found notes and such. Its not super busy but enough that I've run into other players. Biggest win for me is the lack of exploits like server hopping and ghosting. I get the point of the hive and it works I guess, but I feel like it loses something. When my base gets stolen and taken into a vortex of multi-dimensions where my camp now belongs to someone else, its just gone :) when it stays in the server with me its an interaction, cause I'm going to try and find who stole it and get my stuff back. Also, when you run into someone really cool that did interact with you, you can find him in game again which is a lot of fun.
  12. TheDragon117

    Not Nessacarily but Possible if not probable.

    Well been checking the weapons as I was flipping through my gear, all appear to be legit (as in they are in the game) If they seemed altered I'd drop them as I don't want anything that out of the way but they are in game. Like i said if Admins ask me to ditch it all I will but if not I'm all for holding on to it. Just don't want to be confused as a hacker as I don't know the first thing about how to do it, nor do I want to. I agree what he's doing is wrong also part of the reason I posted about it,
  13. TheDragon117

    Road Safety Still Matters!

  14. Don't know that this is the best place to put this but its a possible if not probable. So last night, 10/22/12 starting at about 2354 EST and ending somewhere around 0111 on 10/23/12 was playing on Atlanta 2040 server with a friend who just got into Day Z. He spawned in Tulga I was west of Cherno. while running to find him found a (red)Skoda in the field outside of cherno, good condition just out of gas seemed amazing luck filled it up and started to pick up my buddy. While driving up he ran into a bandit that offered him some help and pulled up on an ATV. Gave him NV goggles and and some supplies, Started to sound a little fishy but we rolled with it. Met up in a small town north of Electro. Where while I was struggling to put some gas in my car this random stranger bandit (though oddly friendly) spots and Offroad pick up in the tree line, Ironically or at least oddly moments after I said something about that would be my dream find. Had some loot in it full gas. Seemed a little more suspicous. Drove back to cherno the only funcioning gas station I've found. (I know there are more, but the only one I've sucessfully used) While refilling the two Jerry cans I had found our new friend spots a Civilian V35S. At which point we've a few angry zeds running around so I saw all three drive and we'll hide our glorious find. We drive to a secluded location that seems safe and our new friend points out the amazing loot in the V35S. Shortly after rather then taking anything or really inspecting it he says he has to sign off and go to bed. During the drive we did spot 2 Old Bikes in the road (one of which I creamed on accident) and during one of the fuel stops our bandit friend was stuck in a dance for a minute. (Which I've read now only hackers can do). I suppose the main reason I post is out of CYA. If indeed he was hacking (I realize very probable) I don't want to get blamed for the hacking of vehicles or equipment. but I certainly wasn't going to point it out when he could kill my character right off the bat. He was a nice guy. Helped us out with no malicious intent I could notice, but rules are rules I suppose. At the time I was just grateful not to get ripped in half by a person spawning up next to me as I've read about. Since I never actually saw any of the sketchy items get spawned in I did hesitate to accuse especially since I also didn't want to get ripped in half by a person who was being friendly but might have found me pointing it out to be a reason to take me to pieces. I was fortunately frapsing the entire thing if any moderators or server admins wish to see video I'll gladly supply. (its about 2 hours worth but I can handbrake it to reduce the size so that you can see it in entirety) All and all either we were way more lucky then I've ever been in Day Z or there was some shady things going on. Not that I don't appreciate the loot, as I've spent the last 2 months looking for a vehicle, let alone 3. I also have no desire to do anything to violate the games functions, especially cause I really enjoy playing the 2040 server. I'm willing to forfiet the loot if need be, (would rather not, but rules are rules.) Now I know some readers think its odd I didn't post the bandits name, but I'm not so much reporting him as just covering my .... If server admin or dev, or such take the time to review the logs they'll undoubtedly find him if things were hacked. At least thats how I understand it, not being a server admin, or hacker the logs thing only makes sense in thats what I've noticed gets a lot of people caught. Don't know how just know that is apparently "the proof" to have. If admin asks for it I will provide it just didn't want to smear the guy since he was incredibly generous to us.
  15. TheDragon117

    Trading M240 for M249 SAW

    I did notice when we used the 249 that one clip seemed much louder then the others, not sure why didn't seem to aggro more then the others but to our team we noticed a sound difference. It is true neither gun is particularly quiet but you're using a full blown machine gun. I think both serve that intended function. I prefer more accurate shots so I stick with the M4 but I think as posted above as far as aggroing zeds goes its all about the same. I did notice that just barely firing with the 249 was 3 to 5 shots which will be louder in the long haul cause instead of one maybe two bullets drawing attention its a spray. People will be more certain they heard that and which way to go. Of course I encountered a guy the other night with an M16 that treated it like a saw, spraying full auto, so I think to an extent you just have to determine what you like. I don't think its a large enough difference for you to notice between the two. one may do a little less damage then the other or slight sound difference but both spray at rediculous speeds, so either way you're going to attract some attention with either gun.