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About Snusfylla

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    On the Coast
  1. Snusfylla

    Stealthier option than tents

    I think you guys got me wrong here, since the holes only can fit cases it cant fit any weapons. I personally just want some small storage place for food and medicine this is why i want this. I dont want to have 10 AS50's in a tent, that's just a game ruiner. Maybe the shovel goes from pristine to badly damaged under the process too so you cant just spam holes everywhere. And when i think about it, the holes are to big, they should maybe fit 2-3 storage cases. That is just my thought.
  2. Snusfylla

    Stealthier option than tents

    You can ofcourse see them! they are just harder then tents to find if you don't know that they're there. the texture of of the cowered hole might be a mossy texture thats sticks out a lil bit.
  3. Hello The idea occured to me when I found alot of different of storing cases, such as the protective case, ammo box and the med kit. The main idea is that you dig a hole around 1 meter (39.4 inches) long and 50 cm (19,7 icnhes) wide, and you can only fit 5 of those storing cases in that hole. All you need to dig the hole is a shovel, and maybe some twigs and grass to cover the hole up. This will make it a more stealthier approach of the storing opportunities that was in the mod. And since it only fits 5 cases (open for balance suggestions) you can't fit that many items in there (and no big firearms?). Since it's well hidden you can place the hole down in the south without it being looted ASAP. it will open up an opportunity to store some supplies that will help your later lives or friends that spawned on the shore. Please excuse my grammar (English is my second language) and thank you for reading this thread. TL;DR Storing cases in stealthy holes instead of tents.
  4. These servers are really great to play on, it's fit for clans to play against eachother. There's alot of competion and a nice community so if you want a challange and alot of fun you should check it out! The server whitelisted servers haven't got any hackers either ;)