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Everything posted by Roger_Shrubz

  1. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    But anyways, I would like to see a crysis 2 style wall peek system, but it would have to be smooth to use, It would be cool if it could be analogue, so you can just slowly stick your head from cover etc. Maybe it might tempt people to try it atleast (I hope :()
  2. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    There are many definitions for league, go check the dictionary, doesn't mean it is just sport related. I am not demonizing atall, there is input on both ends of 1pp and 3pp here, I think you need to check your sarcastic post of "praise be 1pp" and you will see who is being the hot headed one. And we go on about sarcasm and being condescending? think you are being more the child here dude.
  3. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Well you might just see the PVP side of things, but its more with how the game is meant to be played, this game is alpha so anything could happen, if the devs see the goal towards getting more/improving survival and elements into the game but involves making 3rd person a lower league/casual way of game play then so be it. I'm all in the aid of science and statistics, if 3pp has the best results then so be it, atleast we tried all options.. I thought that you had a real issue with people that enjoy 1PP since you give it the "praise be 1PP" sarcastic talk
  4. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Go check the whole 7 pages of the thread mate, no one has said that so far, maybe I need to try what you are smoking there!
  5. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Have you check this thread from start to finish? go check post #22, I've given input into how we could have a GOW style cover mechanic, I admit it would have to be fluid and smooth, but I would like to think it would tempt people to give it a go and see if it benifits or not, aswell as the statistics/info on how players are reacting to the change would be interesting (maybe for the worse..... maybe for the better) I would like to see a 4th wall mechanic for DayZ but as said in a earlier post, it will probably not work.
  6. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I have not seen any proper input from you apart from sarcasm and "praise be 1st person" quotes, pretty much all you said is just defending 3rd person, not giving input on how it can be changed/altered to either benifit either sides of the argument, Heres a tissue, there seems to be shit all around your mouth.
  7. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Oh jeez, give the sarcastic talk a rest..... If you have no constructive input on the subject then don't reply to this thread. You sound more butt-hurt/like a kid the further this thread goes
  8. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Well correction, I mean freedom of constuctive input, I have not put down or slated 3rd person atall, I do play 3rd person aswell dont forget. I will say it clear for all the 3rd person players out there, when you play on a 1st person server for example you would get complete different outcome for survival, horror, action & interactions. IF DayZ did go 1st person, the statistics on how players loot & patrol the map would be interesting, thats all................maybe it works for the better.... maybe for the worse, but I find this a interesting topic as I am all about thrills.
  9. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Did you not read post #39 by me? >.< clearly states I play in the shallow side of the swimming pool for my friends sake :) Edit: Gimme zombies/infected back and I will be in survival heaven :D
  10. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    There is nothing being taken personal lol, this is a forum, I have the right to speak and all that jazz, if you can't give any constructive opinions then fair enough, im trying to talk about horror/survival immersion differences with 3rd and 1st person and your not exactly being civil. and I think your conclusion on me is that im a 100% 1st person DayZ player, well obviously not, at some point we all have to dive in the shallow end of the water for our friends sake :)
  11. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Yea its more my thing to have player talks/interactions than just getting randomly pre-planned shot in the face, since 1st person is called hardcore usually I guess ;)
  12. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    A opinion is a opinion, does not matter if its someone elses idea, freedom of speech and all that crap, I personally think a MMO game like this has a large foundation based upon it being survival/horror, Have 3rd person (wall-peeps/people who dont want to be nice) and you will have a major impact in the way the "survival" game is played out, let alone scares etc, more killing, less thrilling
  13. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Well, it changes the way people approach scenarios involving players, if 3rd person - you could wall peek and decide to shoot 2 armed players (1 facing you and the other checking his six), all pre-planned since you seen them around the wall, 1st person it would be a case of walk around the corner and have to react (unless they can create some form of 1st person/Gears Of War style cover/wall peek, or just more fluid movement to cover behind objects/walls) But straight away, not being able to 3rd person can create a whole new perspective in: scares, immersion & interactions
  14. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I can agree this is probably a burnt out topic, but it does raise a few points if you want DayZ to be its true self in my opinion (goes to hide in flameproof tin hut) lol
  15. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Erm,, we are talking about immersion? not just camera perspective alone?.... Edit: Did you not watch the video above?, give a good idea on what kills the thrills/immersion of a survival horror game
  16. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Yea I can agree that movement needs to become more smooth/fluid, but the Devs have already stated that is what they are trying to achieve, If there is a working formula for a 1st person/Gears Of War cover/peek system I would be willing to give that a go on experimental ;) (I can only wish lol)
  17. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I think this guy can explain immersion alot better than my above post, check vid please The only thing I can add to this as inspiration is for looking around walls, This is a Gears Of War style peek system around corner of walls, but could be modified/created to be used Easily in 1st person, this would help out alot in fire fights!, I think Crysis 2 had this style of cover system incorperated, but I was thinking more analogue with the mouse, so you do not need to expose your head 100%
  18. Roger_Shrubz

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Just pointing out.... soooo would a Oculus in 3rd person be more immersive? lol Personally, I like 1st person idea, I cannot seem to find the sense of a "horror/survival" game with a 3rd person perspective, wall peeking zombies is just a killer to immersion of having jumpy-scares and all horror side of things...... aswell as yes, - wall peek PVP 1st person would prolly increase my heart-rate by 200% with being jumped by a zombie/infected right in my face! :o (edit: when they are back in numbers!)
  19. Roger_Shrubz

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    I'm super looking forwards to 0.59 ! I just hope we get 0.59 with our zombies before/for halloween! :D
  20. Roger_Shrubz

    "Fall back to another server" issue

    I did not know you could grab a barrel and log out with it :o But what from what I see straight away, even if it was private shard, if there was 1 barrel per clan member, they could just grab and logout, and either login later or have 1 friend with no/low loot to investigate if safe to log back in. Edit: Maybe the rules should be changed that if you logout with a barrel then it will just drop on the floor where you logged out?, atleast then the clan members would have no choice but to move it to another location on server.
  21. Well I pray we get zombies before/or for halloween, This would re-ignite my flame for DayZ, maybe I could see myself doing a 12 hour indulgence of DayZ when the zombies are back :)
  22. Roger_Shrubz

    Desolate Game? Where is everyone?

    Ohhh man I really want zombies back for that extra element to struggle against :( I can see myself doing a 12 hour stint on DayZ when zombies are back! Please please hurry the zombies back devs! :( Respect for Devs and all their work though !
  23. Roger_Shrubz

    Ridiculous rain effects?

    Warning!, Handbags at dawn! dont get your pink ladies g-string in a twist you penis-cake, so you would rather have zero rain? its just one less survival element to a.... wait for it...... Survival Game! ! I said survival game because lack of zombies (cough :D) By reading your post it sounds like you really enjoy Call Of Duty shooter games, pew pew pew pew Edit: This game is not finished yet so maybe... you will see more enterable buildings, character temps being balanced, and you will see your precious doors come down...... with me on the otherside with a shotgun with 2 barrels waiting to kiss your face :D
  24. Roger_Shrubz

    Ridiculous rain effects?

    Maybe it might be a little harsh, but it is pretty true to real life, Go for a walk in the piss-arse rain for 1 hour and tell me you are "dry", even wearing a raincoat does not fully protect you from getting wet in real life, as you would need waterproof trousers and shoes ;) , Maybe we need to have more choice of waterproof clothing to suit the fresh spawn characters, but I personally love the challenge of having to find a rain coat on a rainy server :) since its the whole fight for survival thing 'n' all / zombies (cough) lol
  25. Roger_Shrubz

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Well apart from playing "don't clean up my bedroom" game for a week lol :D On serious note, keep up the good work guys! :) Roger