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Everything posted by Roger_Shrubz

  1. Roger_Shrubz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    your comment makes me wanna buy a dirty stinking haddock or some large sea mammal and slap you round your senseless head.
  2. Roger_Shrubz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    @ Ingasmeeg Did you delete your post?, I think we have some WarZ admins lurking in the dark...... :P Roger
  3. Roger_Shrubz

    Bandits should have more consequences

    I like the idea of NPC's having a taste for bandits!, being a hero myself I think it would be a nice solution to atleast try and introduce on a modded version of DayZ??? (obviously NPCs not attacking new survivors and heros) At least then the bandits have to watch for the extremely deadly bandit hunters!. But then again,with all this "there will be no NPC's in DayZ", I could not see it being implimented to the standalone just because the DayZ team dont want to do a 180 on what their intentions were lined out fairly clear in my opinion for the game or mod. Roger
  4. Roger_Shrubz


    well since everyone has the freedom to scrutinize a game/mod so thats why I stuffed my troll'y opinion in (and I was in one of those moods :) ) being a hero character on official hive servers is awsome and YES that is the route I decided instead of being a bandit.... but once a hero and you are with buddies, you do supply runs etc and you have done all there is to do,,, it just leans towards PVP and I just opted out for the sake of getting bored and being one of many bandits. I admit I do browse and I DO pray for new DayZ mod or map to catch my interest but its just pure facts of limited things to do and alot of history repeating and pushing players to be a bandit.
  5. Roger_Shrubz


    none, the game (oh sorry) - MOD, is shit-arse boring, get essentials, get a gun, shoot noobs and 'tards jobs a good'un :facepalm: dayz can suck a fat one until they sort it out good and proper.. back to proper games... Edit: you can tell my love for DayZ these days lol.... (but sorry, the game (mod) is just mind numbingly boring now, I see DayZ running a thin line on getting the standalone right before all other game companies roll in with the better alternatives to play!!) only thing to do in DayZ is let the banditry begin!
  6. Bumpy bump!, someone should atleast try to test this on some servers!. or add into DayZ+ or DayZ 2017 hehe. Roger
  7. Roger_Shrubz

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Awsome pictures!, if you do need a beta tester I'm currently at home all the time!, Keep up the good work Dean and DayZ guys! Roger
  8. Roger_Shrubz

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Hi!, brilliant server guys, had the odd problem with lag-deaths (being shot and not even knowing), main thing I was asking is, are the dogs working atall? or will they not follow you etc?, I have tamed one but it will not follow me. it will bark, sit but nothing else I think. cheers Roger
  9. Hi guys Im 24, played DayZ for a fair few months now and love it!, Im looking for a few people minimum aged 18 to play with even if its just one partner tonight, Im looking for UK people aswell for the low ping rate as I hate lag :(. I am playing Taviana map too at this moment as its a good map!. my skype is: Roger_Shrubz
  10. Roger_Shrubz

    Looking for EU based people to play with

    Hi mate im 24 from UK and always usually about on DayZ, Taviana map though at the moment as its a very cool map! My skype is Roger_Shrubz Edit: I will play other maps still though ;) lol
  11. Roger_Shrubz


    I have found a trick that works around 85% of time for retrieving bolts from corpses as the crossbow is addictive lol, Trick is....... just aim to their chest dead centre, and a high majority of the time the bolts wind up going through their elbow/hand or not many times it goes through the head (dont ask,,, it just ends up there) Tips:...... -Stand atleast 10 meters to prevent bolt pass through (I just play it safe) - shoot them on flat ground so their arms are always not going to pass into a small slope or a object/wall - If you can help it, try not to shoot zombies in open grass fields as I visually struggle to see the bolt sometimes on the corpse - last 2 days I think I can come to conclusion shooting them in back dead centre makes bolt impossible to retrieve the bolt so always remember to shoot dead centre in the chest. last tip is carry 3 bolts in main inventory or 5 if your going into a city, and always keep another 3-5 in your bag and just top yourself up after each zombie kill. I know its nothing but I hope this helps for all the crossbow lovers out there!. Roger
  12. Roger_Shrubz

    Looking for Group

    just added you on skype mate
  13. Roger_Shrubz

    Want 4-5 Experienced For Team

    Requirements: *Tactical - Am good with tactical and covering people *Mature - I'm 24 and from UK, I do like to have a joke sometimes *Microphone - Got a nice PS3 USB wired headset for chat *Friendly - I'm friendly minded :) In game name: Roger_Shrubz Age: 24 Location: UK Specialty: Covering friends and going in silent if required Skype: Roger_Shrubz PM me if adding problems with skype which should not happen. cheers Roger
  14. Roger_Shrubz

    Need a DayZ Partner

    hi mate im 24 and from uk with a headset etc, playing for 2 months but know controls well anyways from arma 2 etc. my skype is: Roger_Shrubz
  15. Roger_Shrubz

    Anyone looking to join a group ?

    Hi mate im in aslong as its not a dead/passworded server, gets boring like that I find lol im 24 from uk, already got guns and gear etc btw My skype is: Roger_Shrubz
  16. Roger_Shrubz

    Looking for a couple others

    Yo hardstyletaco and krimlon, im 24 and from uk, been playing a couple of months and am looking for a game tonight, my skype is: Roger_Shrubz @ Hardstyletaco - I sent you a Pm btw buddy. cheers Roger
  17. hi mate im looking to join, im 24, from uk, been playing for 2ish months and have a alice pack, silenced m16 thing and many other bits. definitly got to grips with the controls of the game (I practiced a bit on Arma II editor aswell) Do you use skype or any instant messaging program? cheers Roger
  18. Hi people!, Im from UK and 24 years old, been playing DayZ for a month or 2 now and just bought a wired headset etc, If anyone wants to team up and loot places to get nice guns, backpacks etc etc, just add me on skype at: Roger_Shrubz (only 18 year olds or older please) thanks Roger
  19. I dont have lingor and I try to avoid private and private hive servers as I have not had hacker problems yet.
  20. I dont have lingor and I try to avoid private and private hive servers as I have not had hacker problems yet.
  21. Hi mate!, Im already gear'd up if wanted to meet up? my Skype is: Roger_Shrubz
  22. Roger_Shrubz

    Anyone awake in the UK and want to team up?

    Bump! Anybody about tonight? :( Skype: Roger_Shrubz
  23. Hi guys!, Im 24 and from UK, Been playing DayZ for a month or 2 now, if anyone wants to join up with microphones who wants to do some raiding etc my skype name its Roger_shrubz. I go server to server at the moment so im usually around somewhere! Note: Only people with Microphones please. hope to hear from you guys! Roger Edit:, im kitted out with a ak47, alice pack and bloodbags etc so im already able to protect myself or give a gun to a friend in need.
  24. Hi Karl!, Im Roger_Shrubz in DayZ and am from UK too and aged 24, am looking for friends to play with now as I have all the essentials pretty much minus matches. My Skype is: Roger_Shrubz hope to hear soon! Roger Edit: I have a microphone aswell if you do?