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Everything posted by Roger_Shrubz

  1. Roger_Shrubz

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well had a play of 0.55 build, even though there has been alot of complaints about lack of loot/food I find this build the best yet! The lack of loot reminds me of old DayZ mod times now which is refreshing, everything seems like a new learning curve to survive. Infected A.I is getting alot better! There has always been complaints about them running fast, but until we can see increase population of infected I think they should stay this quick.
  2. Roger_Shrubz

    Tense battle at NWA ft. TheRunningManZ

    Nice video Iamzani! Look forward to more of your videos in future! Roger
  3. Roger_Shrubz

    Router of choice?

    Hi everyone!, A while back, I had problems playing DayZ for more than 15 minutes, followed by "no message received for XX seconds", Since it was the holidays I decided to crack out the Standalone and hope for the long hour sessions into the morning... mmmmmmmm..... Shamefully I get same old 15 minutes of gameplay followed by no message received, I have done everything I had done before, also shutting down PC. Several threads I have searched, had people saying old routers may cause the problem, so before I go buy one, what brand/version do you guys run? (for the guys who luckily can play 2 hours + sessions) :( lol cheers Roger
  4. Roger_Shrubz

    Router of choice?

    Hi all!, Cheers for the suggestions, not many shops I went to today had not a large selection of routers atall. After using a Belkin and having the 15 minute "no message received" problems, I chose to buy a TP Link N600, as it was the only other brand apart from Belkin on the shelves. Thankfully I am playing DayZ Standalone for 41mins and 10secs :D , so I would say It has fixed it and now I don't have to make a excuse up for returning the TP Link router to my local store lol :P thanks all! Roger
  5. Roger_Shrubz

    Pffft i remember why im a Bandit.

    Can I smell another Bounty? :D Good thing to do...... if you can that is....... check his pulse, which will then give you the players name (so atleast you know who killed you I guess :huh: ) cheers Roger
  6. Roger_Shrubz

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Hehe!, Im up for some hunting aswell actually!, I will PM asking for some extra details (If any to give)
  7. Roger_Shrubz

    Status Report - Week of 10 Nov 14

    Ooooh, one step closer to the V3S :D With the physics being updated for vehicles etc, Could we see any simple form of force feedback for steering wheels? :D It was fun for a little bit using my Logitech wheel for driving in DayZ Mod... but no feedback was a bit depressing for experience, especially on the 1st person servers lol cheer Roger
  8. Roger_Shrubz

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Hehe, All this talk about certain countries would have problems with cannibalism makes me think of the original Carmageddon lol.... but I am thinking of the version with robots instead of zombies. Maybe a toned down version of skinning someone would be to have some animation of your character tea-bagging the dead corpse.. and Presto! you have a tin of beans instead haha :D Roger
  9. Roger_Shrubz

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Hi everyone! Nice smooth patch!, I have seen 3 zombies within 1 and a half hours of gameplay which is low, but atleast they are there! :) Had some inventory lag with backpack, would use item etc, and it would still be visible in inventory, only until I move another item in the backpack it will dissapear Im yet to find any new items though :( , have checked here and Reddit for what has been found/added so far btw Only gripe is that every server, US or UK, are night time :S would be nice to maybe keep relevant to the country's personal time zone (give or take a hour), but I still enjoy trekking around at night so no problem for me :) cheers Roger
  10. Hi all! I have literally searched and googled and tried to fix this problem for ages now but no joy. DayZ Mod works fine, but Standalone seems to have a problem with allowing me to play for more than 15 minutes, it is pretty exact 15 minutes by the ways as I use a stop watch everytime I log straight into a server. I am currently on experimental build 0.50, but even if I revert back to 0.49 I still get the same 15 minutes of gameplay, followed by the "no message received" of agony. the steps I have tried to fixing this problem as follows (get ready lol) - deleting battleye folder from dayz location and then using steam to validate game cache and re-download the beclient.dll file. - deleting battleye beclient.dll from dayz/battleye, then manually downloading latest beclient.dll from their website - checking zonealarm for blocks, deleted all controlled programs and set to manual so I can make sure they are being allowed, then final resort, turned it off. - done the same to avast as I did to zonealarm and both together, checked to see if any blocks and finally turned off avast. - checked my belkin router settings, and I made sure I assigned a I.P address to my pc and created a DDOS/Firwall exception so I did not get interference from my router, also restarted router - restarted pc (windows 7 64 bit) - uninstalled DayZ and reinstalled - reverted my windows updates back to beginning of october as I know it was perfectly fine before then. I also emailed battleye today so I hope to hear from them at some point as im not sure if its their version causing issues, which makes no sense as I have played 0.49 for 2 hours or more solid with no problems. One way or the other, I am running pretty much out of ideas, but I bet my bad luck is that someone has done one of the above or all of them, then got it to work >.< lol. Cheers Roger
  11. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Well well well.... It happened again, but all I did this time was just shut down my pc and started it back up, then loaded DayZ, and it works again! :D I did not delete Battleye client this time, just a plain old shut down and switch pc back on, so that was pretty relieving! If anyone else has success it would be nice for them to post, so maybe I can definitley mark this thread as solved? cheers Roger
  12. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Hi all! Little update again... I cannot determine for sure if what I done fixed this, but until the problem happens again I cannot test this solution out. went to start menu and Run: msconfig, unticked battleye in services tab, then click apply (windows 7 64bit) deleted all traces of battleye including user/appdata/local/dayz client. shutdown pc properly and start back up (dont click restart) I have a habit of snoozing my PC or just restarting it start windows back up and verify dayz cache files in steam to aquire battleye files again. give it a run :) I have kept to a select 3 servers to test btw, different names and hosts etc, I have not tested gamingdeluxe servers again yet though. (EDIT: I have tested gamingdeluxe servers and everything seems to be working perfect!, also tested many more servers!) bring on the hardcore long hour sessions! :D :thumbsup: cheers Roger
  13. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    nope... started doing it again for some wierd reason, I think it may be to do with my house mate or my brother logging onto router as it was perfect earlier :( cheers Roger
  14. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Hi all! Little update about my experiences the last few days, Since 0.50 patch rolled out to stable, my experimental server of choice seems to have gone offline, so I started hunting for a stable server with my fingers and toes crossed that I would find another. Tried a fair few with success, it seems for me fragnet hosted servers are fine with me, and anything gamingdeluxe hosted would give me the 15 minutes of pain. Only way for me to avoid the 15 minute "no message received" problem is to first bookmark/favourite the new server I have not tried before in DayZ server list, then join that server with a stop watch, if success I will carry on having fun, or if it fails with 15 minutes of agony, I just get back to server list and delete the bookmarked/favourited server, and then try again. If anyone has had success/or fails with testing out certain hosted servers, it would be cool to get more information about this problem so we can try and make all servers connection friendly! well back to my DayZ hunt for the day for: some more food to travel with more ammunition for my longhorn pistol creating a fishing rod get a cooking pot or pan maybe some summer hunter trousers with the 6 slot pockets some binoculars would like a crossbow again, but shame you cannot retrieve bolts from dead bodies :( cheers Roger
  15. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Hi Nosch! Yea I tried that, then tried deleting one and leaving other etc, over 3 - 4 days of trying to fix it......... I did find 1 experimental server I could stay on without being D/C'd after 15 minutes and that was UK-12 server, no sure if other servers run little differences compared to others? I wouldnt mind so much if it took 3-5 mins to get the "no message received" as I could try and problem solve faster..... but trying 1 solution then testing it, then waiting 15 mins did eventually kill me mentally. before this problem I had 23 game hours in DayZ (lol, yes pathetic) but now im 37 game hours in DayZ (14 hours problem solving) cheers Roger
  16. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Hi Boneboys! Yeah I will try this aswell, wierd thing is that DayZ 0.49 worked perfectly fine about 5 days ago :( cheers Roger
  17. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    Hi Nosch! shamefully just tried that now and no luck, my beclient.dll file sizes are 584kb large by the ways if that helps out in any way. cheers Roger
  18. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    well shamefully still same problem on persistence and non persisence 0.49 stable servers. If anyone has this same problem please post up! cheers Roger
  19. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    I am just about to revert back to stable 0.49, and try a non persistence server, will hopefully be able to post up some more info soon cheers Roger
  20. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    I also did forget to say in beginning post that I consistently stayed on a certain server (1st person) to fault find this problem, after that I started trying other servers and still produces exact problem, experimental or stable :( cheers Roger
  21. Roger_Shrubz

    15 minutes, then "no message received"

    As much as I want to believe its server side issues, it is not, I can check server within 1 minute by reloading the game and I see exact names in the players list when I join. I would like to hear from the experimental members and find out how long they have been able to play for? I see a handful of people seem to experience this type of issue, maybe they will post up soon >.< lol cheers Roger
  22. Well I guess I can finally decide try out the 1.7.7 or build lol. Live in UK and aged 25 my skype is: Roger_Shrubz
  23. Roger_Shrubz

    Handing over items

    Quite a very interesting idea! gets my thumbs up!
  24. Roger_Shrubz

    RIP DayZ

    well I just read through this topic and thought I should mention that if you look on steam, the age rating for DayZ Mod is 18+, Arma 2 is 16+ (I am in the UK) I dont have a xbox 360 but my friends say on COD that you can report them for microphone abuse and they will be followed up, (theres many stories of people threatening eachother, even one story the guy went to the person's house lol) so microsoft do chase these reports up I know. only thing I could see preventing this is that DayZ is a mod and not a game plus not steam exclusive only, Im sure if it was required to have a steam account maybe it would put a lid on some of the issues from this. - Does anyone know if DayZ standalone will be Steam only (require steam account)? Roger
  25. Roger_Shrubz

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    cheeky grin :D