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About Stoka788

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  1. Stoka788

    Banned on US 843

    Ps that is a epic video of us thanks ;)
  2. Stoka788

    Banned on US 843

    Hello As we have posted before banning you for harassment you and all of your friends are in the logs for tp and god mode as well as spawning the ural UAZ and others.also weapon spawning. the logs have been forwarded to battlEye and the community ban list. You and your friends came across our base yes that is also in the forums here because like you another hacker came across it like 2 weeks ago, We have hacked weapons yes. Because assholes like you keep spawning them in. Enjoy your ban and thank you for opening this conversation the the whole Dayz forum I hope that your ban is approved and you can no longer play. Have a nice day ;)
  3. Also after receiving assistance please let us know how your experience with us went.
  4. This thread is for anyone seeking assistance. This is not for public response and is being run by the members of ]CIA[ Before posting please read below. For Assistance provide the following information: 1. Type of assistance you require -Medical. Broken bones, bleeding, blood loss, sickness, shock, Freezing, passed out -Security need a body guard, security detachment (2 hour notice required), escort, Overwatch -Logistics. Base moved, transportation, Items transfered 2) Describe your location: - General Region (North/South/East/West) and Nearest City/Town/Landmark. - Use this map: http://dayzdb.com/map - If you want to give exact coordinates, please PM them to the ]CIA[ member who responds 3) If you are in a highly-populated server and at risk of being killed, LOG OUT. - our member will work with you to find a safer server to meet you on 4) If possible, provide a direct contact method: -Steam ID/Profile Link, Skype, or join our TeamSpeak (, join room ARMA2>REQUESTING ASSISTANCE -If you do not want to share this information, please use the PM feature on this forum and do not spam this thread. TO JOIN OR FOR MORE INFO GO TO www.ciagaming.org
  5. Stoka788

    Medics that need supplies look here

    Another happy customer
  6. Stoka788

    Medics that need supplies look here

    Thanks man, we are glad we could help. If you are ever again in need of assistance please feel free to join our TS
  7. Stoka788

    Medics that need supplies look here

    We are currently online and ready. Contact us on our TS or on our website. Security, logistics, and medics are available.
  8. Stoka788

    Medics that need supplies look here

    we will be setting up a second one more central for peak server times that location is yet to be decided this base is mainly for day time resupplys
  9. Stoka788

    Need blood transfusion

    PM me or msg me on skype cia.stoka788
  10. ]CIA[ Medics are here to help. ]CIA[ has accumulated a lot of medical supplies and are setting up a medical resupply center on our server US 843. This will be manned and supplied by ]CIA[ members. The idea is as follows. We will stock the center, the supplies are 100% free we only as that if you can spare any supplies that you have in surplus you donate them to this cause. THIS IS NOT MANDATORY. The point will be guarded and we ask that you join our Team Speak server ( before approaching the site. All medics must be unarmed or have your side arm drawn. Failure to comply will result in your death. The point will be in operation every day with varying hours check with us on our TS join channels Arma2>Requesting Medical. The location will be 029 across 133 down (029,133) Medical treatment will also be available at this location same approach rules apply
  11. Stoka788

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    ok so if having hacked weapons makes us cheaters so be it stay off our server and you will not have to deal with it... OH wait they are on all the servers?? ok good luck have fun. i will no longer attempt to defend our actions from you people. you think we hack? so be it not really concerned. our ban list is 40 players longer then the community ban list. we take pride in every hacker we ban and the list will be posted to our forums for all to see. I wish you all the best of luck in your fight against hackers and hacked weapons.
  12. Stoka788

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello fellow players I am a ]CIA[ medic offering my assistance to the public. Our medics are fully stocked and will answer the call ASAP. Because we have so many members we are on almost 24/7 and are always willing to help. We mainly operate to the west but will travel. All services are free. There are many ways to contact us. Our Teamspeak3 (Join Arma2>Requesting medical) TS info is Also CIAgaming.org ( our members constantly monitor the forums and Pms. or you can contact me directly thru pm on here or on skype @ CIA.Stoka788. All of our medics are armed and are accompanied by a escort.