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About survivor1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. survivor1

    Looking for a squad

    Do u have a mic or skype
  2. I have recently started playing day z and am already bored of walking around for 3 hours with no particular aim i am 15 from the UK and am experienced in military dialect(talk) I am looking for players that are up for having a laugh but when needs be to become serious I aspire to be like people such as sacriel (youtuber) As i said before i am not very experienced at the game but think i will be able too become semi pro with a good squad so add my skype: chazmorton123
  3. Just got day z kind of new too the game but ive been watching youtubers such as Sacriel, Dasquirrelsnuts and oshiseven and think i could get pretty good. so im hoping to get a squad together preferably UK/GB but any English speakers so please tell me your skypes or steam names. Thanks guys
  4. Just got day z kind of new too the game but ive been watching youtubers such as Sacriel, Dasquirrelsnuts and oshiseven and think i could get pretty good. so im hoping to get a squad together preferably UK/GB but any English speakers so please tell me ur skypes or steam names. Thanks guys