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Everything posted by diho

  1. diho

    AU 23

    GUID: 2bafcb41bc61ca6917b687b913294ccb IGN: Dihood Server: AU23 My Story: it was night time in game and i had just respawned after being shot in elekto. i walked down heading towards drakon where i found a body and a sedan. i drove the car back to where i was orginally killed and was driving around the school where the guy who i believe was the owner was consistantly saying where are you where i could see him clearly. I don't know if i was glitched or what but i was then banned by Admin. Wether or not i was doing something wrong or if the admin decided to take advantage of me i have no clue. ive tried searching in the banlist for nothing but i can currently not get into the server. im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the title of the server referred to this site. any help is appreciated. Dihood.
  2. diho

    AU 23

    aiiiii fonzie, thanks mate ill look into it. if anyone else could help it would be appreciated, im here sitting on teamspeak listening to all my clan members while im stuck on some other server
  3. diho

    AU 23

    well thats the thing, how can i find the server admin? and its really the only decent AUS server and 90% of my clan live on that server.