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Everything posted by vital

  1. vital

    dayz server price???

    what do u mean it dosent mtter any more and yes we can run 2 100 slot servers on 1 box with out any problems and btw i love the avatar it reminds me of home alone god that brings back my child hood
  2. vital

    need help

    so me and my friends live stream when we play and we found some random server and joined it. now i dont hack and i never will because i love the challange of finding and working as a team. but when we got in to this server after like 50 sec of running around cherno i got teleported to the middle of the woods with like 6 other players all fully decked out with the heave machine guns ect. at first i thought it was just a weard bug because they dident shoot me then after i got killed i respawned and the same thing happend and again and again. after 4 times the people where telling me to change my name and calling me a hacker and saying im gonna be baned for life ect. i told them i dont know wtf is going on and im not hacking but i was starting to wonder if they where because they started to ask if i was admin and being sketchy because they had way to much gear to be building a base like they had. so was that a weard bug are is there hacks to where players can teleport u to them and vice versa because it was freaking me out and i dont want to be baned for something i dont have also on a side note it never happend again after i left the server
  3. vital

    need help

    ok thats good to know because i was freaking out and was worried i was gonna get baned glad to know its a hack. thank god and yeh i dident survive but i did manage to loot on of there bags and take all there gear but i got killed trying to run away lol but ty man and ty for the fast reply
  4. vital

    linux help

    anyone alse have a walk through