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About pressytcn

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s. hereby grants to any third party a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable permission to use and display game content and to create derivative works (“Work”) based upon audio & video capture/recording of game content on the website: www.youtube.com, for worldwide commercial use based on full or demo versions of games from BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s., under the following conditions: There needs to be included into every Work and it's description the following notice:"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s." "Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved." "See www.bistudio.com for more information." Exception: in the event of use of content of DAYZ, this notice will be:„This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s. and content created by Dean Hall“ "Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved." "See www.bistudio.com for more information." You may make money using your videos of our Game, for instance by putting ads on them, as long as you also add your own unique content to the video, such as an audio commentary. The amount you add must be enough to make it fair and worthwhile for someone to pay for it or for you to make money from it. For example you cannot simply include your logo, web address or indent but you could add an audio commentary or your own music if you are creating a music video. BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE a.s. reserves the right to change or cancel this permission at any time in its sole discretion. this is the rules for monetization but i do see youtubers like frankieonpc and others monetize the videos but nowhere do i see This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s. and content created by Dean Hall“ "Copyright © 2013 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved." "See www.bistudio.com for more information." so i gues they eighter don't care about the license or the networks have a different set of rules that allows them to do otherwise
  2. did the ace team aprove of this a while back there was a statement saying they wouldn't allow it in
  3. pressytcn

    I know why it is called Dayz

    In military terms z=zulo wich IF used in time Means war Time
  4. pressytcn

    boobi traps

    what i mean is use an emty can or simular opject to hold the safety on the grenade inplace when someone trips the wire the can will fall down causing the grenade to fall out and boom in ace mod i use the small binding mines and it works for namalsk zombies and undead mod zombies or other players
  5. pressytcn

    boobi traps

    i see the game has alot of emty can laying arround why not give the option if you ate your beans and happens to have a grenade then be given the option to pull the pin in the grenade and put it in your emty can with a string tied to it or the ability to place the can in a tree
  6. pressytcn

    Day Z Videos

  7. pressytcn

    Arma 3 DayZ?

    let dayz be standalone and let arma 3 be standalone those 2 won't mix
  8. well you can run the editor by pressing alt+e at the main screen that brings up the 3d editor wich if your new to the game unusable that part is for me no problem but for others i will be let's just bury this thread and hope in the near future a fix for this is comming i would love to make costum missions with dayz and other cool mods
  9. i don't see the problem in the location i requested the single player part of arma 2 to work now reading that it has been tryied again and nothing worked i'll asume that they are still trying to find a solution for it and making it work noyz what does the title say i think the title is very clear if i wanted dayz sp i would have typed dayz sp
  10. that never happend to me back when it was cba dependent i do know that some mods can do that where your player is stuck in the ground but that is often a proxie error with the actual model itself i just don't get why other mods does this just fine but dayz can't
  11. for the last time I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT RUNNING THE MOD AS SINGLE PLAYER i am talking about the single player part of arma 2 when the game is launched with the mith the mod enabled i wanna kill talibans after im done with killing zombies witout having to restart the game
  12. @NoyZ this is not the wrong section im not talking about playing dayz in sp mode i'm talking about playing arma 2 without having to restart and disable the mod
  13. i dont have the steam version i use the arma x version so i use spirited machines mod launcher so it's reletively easy it just anoys me that i have to restart the game i do a little modding and mod porting myself so i know it's a dark world so i could probaly change the hpp code and make the campaigns work the sp version of dayz had no effect on the campaigns the only thing it did was changing the pmc faction to survivor
  14. ok let me put this in a different way when i launch the game with dayz mod enabled i want to still be able to play the campaign like harvest red or any campaign i have without having to close the game and launch it again without dayz
  15. you all get me wrong i have the dayz sp what i mean is when running any dayz mod i want to still be able to play the campaign or the single missions or just use the editor to create missions but when running the dayz mod all i can do is dayz why?