It may seem expensive for a mod but it's truly worth it. It's a fun game. Very different. It depends on what level of stimulation you require and if you enjoy exploring in games. For example, I've been lucky and come across alot of loot from various dead players along the way. The sense of danger and questioning why and who killed the players makes the game pretty tense. Especially when your moving through the forest or a city and you hear gunshots in the distance. Tense moment. Literally if a player is sneaky enough, they can literally pop out of nowhere, which leads to the tense question of wherever you pull the trigger or not! In this mods defense regarding it's bugs, it's extremely playable and the mod team are very receptive to their fans and address issues in a timely manner. The game might be alpha, but the game is comparatively bug free compared to what slips through the net of high budget and high profile games these days. So yeah. Buy it. Play it. Enjoy it. Invest some time, get some friends together and play, watch YouTube videos and get involved in the community.