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Hauscat (DayZ)

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About Hauscat (DayZ)

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  1. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Is this considered server hopping?

    Sever hopping for loot is not cheating by any means.
  2. Please help, I posted in the server general section and got no response.
  3. Hauscat (DayZ)

    I need help update my servers Hive version.

    I could really use assistance.
  4. How do I do this? Where are the files found? Also I need help configuring the difficulty settings. I want to disable player name plates but still have 3rd person enabled, how do I go about doing these things? Thank you!
  5. Or, alternatively, does anyone know of a guide or rules that have been posted about when it is okay to ban? (Other than the two reasons I have read about before; racism, hate speach)
  6. I have heard that the littlebird and also a civilian transport chopper, were in the mod at some point. When were they removed and why? Does anyone know?
  7. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Car gear gone

    I also have had the items, and the cars disappear on the server I play on. Tents have also disappeared.
  8. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Spawning knocked out every time

    I have also experienced this. When I join a server on a fresh respawn the countdown will start.
  9. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Cant fill Jerry's, Vehicles lose inventory

    My squad has also experienced this bug, with all the vehicles (we have one of each). All of our stuff was lost. The persistent (save UAZ) or what ever menu option you see first (for one of my team it was (save tent)) also occurred.
  10. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Bugged chopper on FR4 causing havoc

    Yes, on US12 there is a similar issue with a chopper in starry sobor. Impossible to fix, impossible to fuel. :C
  11. Hauscat (DayZ)

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

    There is a similar issue someone posted with other vehicles. My group has experienced this bug in all of these vehicles: UAZ, bus, off-road, pick-up. Others have reported it happening in the other vehicles as well. I really hope this gets fixed soon. I cant imagine how fast it drops in a heli.
  12. On US12 there is a chopper my group has found that is also impossible to fix, no matter how much scrap metal is used the chopper will continue to leak fuel at an impossible rate. Very frustrating.
  13. Hauscat (DayZ)

    losing tempeture while driving

    My group experienced the same effects, in all these vehicles: Bus, UAZ, off-road, pick-up.