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Posts posted by Tweakie

  1. 1:I would love higher FPS myself, BUT using the old Tim Schafer analogy.

    Asking devs to do ONE THING (Optimise) first, is like asking an artist to paint all the yellow before he can use other paints, it is doable, but it will likely be a crap painting.


    2: Alpha (which is the current state of the game), is generally not when you balance/optimise/fix stuff, that is the beta stage. Alpha is the stage where you throw stuff at the wall and see if it/what breaks.


    3: When actual optimizations are ready and don't break other features of the game, they will added. Until then, let the people working on optimizations, work on optimizations and do their work right, so we don't have to patch the patches for the updates.

    To quote any good dev "It is done, when it is done"


    4: The people doing animations, gun models, etc, etc, etc, that you see in the current updates, are probably utter shit at doing engine side optimizations to a engine that is basicly 12+ years old. The people who can do optimizations for this engine, are doing it. Or do you want them to stop working until the engine guys are are done?

    Hint: Dayz would reach beta in 2016.



    What the developers say:

    “DayZ Early Access is your chance to experience DayZ as it evolves throughout its development process. Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle.”

    Soo the question is, do you "clearly understand" Early Access?

    Repeat: "We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle.”

  2. Try starting the game in windowed mode with shadowplay turned off.

    Turn on Shadowplay when you get into the main menu and then make the game fullscreen again.


    Sometimes Shadowplay has problems during the launch of a game, but once the game is launched it is alot easier "hooking" Shadowplay to whichever game.


    Same as you, i can't get shadowplay to work if DayZ launches fullscreen, but you "CAN" work around it.

  3. Yeeh, any GPU will work with any CPU. You don't need to worry about that. You just need to worry about your motherboard having the correct slots and your powersupply being sufficient.


    1:I would recommend either getting a Nvidia or the newest AMD cards tho.. But if the 7770 is on a good sale, get it. It is still a solid card, you aren't gonna get any nerd-cred for having it, but it is a nice starting gamer GPU.

    2: Don't upgrade to a AMD cpu if the main focus of the computer is gaming. I know it will be more pricey, but a new motherboard+ Intel CPU would most likely be a preferable solution.

    3:While your RAM is on the low side, you are not in the dangerzone just yet. I myself am running with 8 gigs, and never approach the limit, unless I am rendering a video or a program is going haywire. TBH you can properly make due with 6 gbs for another few years. If you really wanna upgrade it, I would say 12gigs is more than fine.

    When looking at RAM make sure you try to alway used a set of sticks together. Don't buy a single stick of 8gigs, getting 2x4gigs would be faster (provided you insert in the correct RAM slots and have "multi-channel" enabled.

  4. You need to new computer in general, even if you were to get a new Graphics card, it would likely be limited by the PCI-E lane on your older motherboard. But it would still be better. (you can still use newer cards in older PCI-E ports, they just downclock).


    To your post, Yes you can upgrade your GPU and it will still work. You are just unlikely to get the performance jump you are hoping for.

  5. If you can, build it. It takes longer as you have to research parts more carefully, but it is worth it in the end.

    Every part should be covered by their individual warranty, which is a bigger hassle. But covered none the less.

    A System based around a highend i5 or one of the lower i7s with a Nvidia 770(or above) or AMD 7850 (or above) Graphics Card and 8-16 gigs of RAM, should cover your needs for the next few years (2-3~ before a graphics card upgrade would be in order)

    Pro-tip: The difference between a Core iX 4000series(Haswell) and 3000series(Ivy bridge) is not worth caring about. Get which ever is around and/or on offer. Haswell mostly brings improvements for the Laptop/tablet market. While technically better, not worth the price jump.

    Pro-tip 2: get a proper PSU (That doesn't mean high wattages, necessarily) and a good motherboard. To way oversimplify it, this is your Heart (PSU) and your circulation (motherboard). Your Motherboard furthermore serves as your base if you ever have to upgrade or overclock. Theses parts need to be allright. You don't need to go highend, BUT DO NOT SKIMP HERE!

    Pro-tip 3: and a good size Case, which is lovely while building/tweaking/bughunting.

    Pro-tip 4: It is perfectly fine to buy a pre assembled computer, just verify the parts and make sure they are decent.

    • Like 2

  6. Too bad you are on a noob server with mousewheel rangefinders...otherwise your kill count could actually have been impressive.. Taking no skill sniper shots? Meh.....

    Actually, "Meh" is too strong a word..

    On the plus side, I am glad you are taking care of your psychopathic tendency in a safe and responsible manner.

    • Like 3

  7. Maybe the host stopped playing DayZ, and has no more use for the server (likely, since as you say the server hadn't been restarted for a while).....And no they didn't screw you over, I doubt you signed a contract with them.

    Few things.

    Don't get attached to your gear.

    Don't set up a camp on a public server and expect for the gear/server to be there tomorrow.

    Hate to be a dick, but: tough luck, chin up, stiff upper lip and soldier on.

    P.S. In case it was a Host altitude server...they seem to be fucked up ATM...(at least some)
