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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. Tweakie

    Artefacts on dead zombie soldiers...

    "I did up the Visibility distance to about 3800-4000 because my comp can take it" visibility is set serverside....what you set it too, has no effect while playing DayZ. Also your fix only works for a certain amount of time....after playing on the server for long enough, you will get back the graphics glitches. Might as well keep your settings where you want them...in my experience. The only "fix" is to Exit the game, relaunch it and enjoy 30-45 mins glitches free playing, rinse and repeat. and sometimes that doesn't even work.
  2. Tweakie

    Low fps..

    It is the server you are on. Now go fucking search...there is no need for this thread again.
  3. 1st off, how about no? 2nd how many katanas do you see in eastern European homes? 3rd Why the fuck waste time making silly stuff like that, when there are big graphical glitches and a standalone game on the way (where such things might fit in alittle better) lastly learn the fucking name....if you play Left 4 Dead 2, you should have heard it 693 times allready "KA-TA-NA"
  4. Tweakie

    DayZ Unlimited Ammo Bug

    Also, please go ahead and delete the video. 1: You are about 2-3 months late to the party 2: You are furthering a exploit. 3: And worst of all, YOU FUCKING ASK FOR PEOPLE TO LIKE/SUBSCRIBE....I fucking hate youtubers who ask for people to subscribe...Let them fucking subscribe if they think you do quality work. And if you seriously want to make a proper youtube channel, atleast get do 720p and delete videos where you leave overlays from old videos on. Re-render them, and upload the proper videos. Quality, not begging is the way to go. Sorry i got a bit harsh. But i am getting extremely sick of "pl0x like, subscibe and remember to donate"
  5. Please explain your lack of proof. Be it Screenshots, Video or recordings from the admins Ts/vent/mumble. Please explain why the fuck, you don't just play on other servers?
  6. As much as I liked to laugh at "anyone in cherno?" Removing side channel was a great improvement. So for my money, I will vote no. For: Realisme Annoying spammers People VoIPing on side channel Just in general the misbehaviour on the side channel
  7. let me get this straight, you are going on the official forum, saying you have not 1 but 2 illegal weapons....and you want to trade one of them... Seems smart.
  8. Tweakie

    Getting kicked out of server

    screenshot, video or pointless thread...which is your pick? Nevermind, i know which you picked already. Could just be a battleeye kick/ping kick.
  9. When they are fixed. See Valve time. Pointless thread 1794, done.
  10. You should have tried playing it before all the KOS-POS joined...it was better back then....that is why I wish they would go back to whatever game they played before DayZ became too popular for it's own good.
  11. Tweakie

    Actually launching as CO

    Arma main menu -> expansion and enable all the required "files" IE. Arma 2, OA.. DayZ and the arma 2 DLCs (lites)
  12. Tweakie

    Can I get a char reset?

    go some place weird, die to zombies, problem solved. go down to the coast, die to zombies and try to hurry back and hide the gear to make sure nobody is using the illegitmate items. Even better...kill a zombie, put all the shit on him, and then hide the body. And if you want a character reset, maybe you should add some info the mods can actually use to reset you... like your GUID (main arma menu -> profile)
  13. Chin up, stiff upperlip and carry on soldier. It could be punishment for serverhopping, it could be a ton of duped loot or it could just be a bug.. Take 2 hours and you can get most of it back. You could try to post it in the correct subforum and add some actual useful information, if you want this bug to be fixed....your choice.
  14. Tweakie

    Disregard Thread

    cfgdayz/arma2.cfg -> MaxCustomFileSize=0; 0= the size of the files they can import. Unsure if it is bytes, bits of megabits...carry out your own research there. Just be warned it is a not a brilliant setting to enable, if many people with custom faces join at the same time. You will get major desync from all the files being sent to everyone playing on your server.
  15. Nothing you can get done here, you have to talk to battleeye, if it is a global ban. Hope they can fix it for you. But maybe they can't, and you will have to buy a new copy, to play on 95% of servers.
  16. Enjoy them. Worst case, the hive database will remove them from you.
  17. Tweakie

    Graphics problems in built up areas?!?

    Thread 1239. Spend 5 minutes on the forum, before posting. Have a nice day.
  18. 20 betas?? you only need the newest. If you can't use sixupdater...meh, go play on consoles...it is a pretty damn easy program to use. Just slow Steam overwriting you beta, so you install it wrong/can't figure out how to set up a proper shortcut?? Hackers, fair. Battleeye problems?? 4 months+ and I have had 2 problems with battleeye.... Basicly, you are doing it wrong, so it most be the mod/games fault?? Yes arma is a different engine than you are used to, but you using it wrong, is your problem. Enjoy.
  19. Tweakie

    bad computers

    Erhm, TBH Intel HD graphics is actually getting pretty decent for onboard graphics (depending on what generation it is ofc) You sir have no idea, about how bad it used to be. And they decided to use it, to keep the cost of your Laptop down... The problem is your family not knowing/researching what they were buying.
  20. Tweakie

    Played for the first time today

    Starting without a gun, is better than when you started with a gun. Now we only need to get rid of the backpack.
  21. Tweakie

    Kill me!

    Load in...alt-tab, go watch a movie...come back and check.. Maybe watch another movie. Repeat as needed. Problem solved.
  22. Oh god, can we get a admin to delete this thread?? Your progress is saved across all official servers. And some unofficial servers will save it too. Textures glitches.......facepalm, look around 5 minutes on this forum, and for the love of god, delete everything you said. BTW, it is not a game, it is a mod, that is in alpha.. GTFO, come back when it is a standalone, if you don't understand what that means.
  23. Tweakie

    Excuse My Excitement

    The Bizon was decent before the nerf...now it is a low damage weapon with a horrible Iron sight.... Alright for night raids, if you have to clear out a zombie infestation...but that is about it.
  24. Their CD-key gets banned from Battleeye, which means 95%+ servers will not let you play.