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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. Tweakie

    Mountain Dew stories

    Found it in a random lingor loot spawn, my friend broke my legs 30 minutes later, and I had to be the driver for 4 hours due to no morphine...then a idiot in my group thought he could take on a chopper with a AK and got the group wiped. Oh and then i got banned by the admin when I fucked up his SUV and we jacked his chopper. Mountain Dew......doesn't bring the best of luck. So basicly I have a Mountain Dew on some private hive server, than I am unable to reach :/
  2. Tweakie

    Death every time I get something nice

    If you want advice....Die some more, and learn from your deaths..... Also going to elektro is basicly asking to kill or get killed. Lastly take the road less travelled...spawn in kamenka, and follow the road north instead of staying on the coast. Once you get 1-2 Kilometers inland you are remarkably more safe than near the coast.
  3. Tweakie

    Modded Servers???

    Private hives, hackers, bug...take your pick
  4. no clue...but a screenshot would probably be usefull, for the next person trying to help.
  5. Tweakie

    Underrated Weapons

    Enfield (Lee, not L85A2)....well from a purely "fun" point of view.
  6. Tweakie

    Bus wasn't saved

    That is Nothing else. play on 2.4 or wait for update.
  7. Tweakie

    Bad FPS?

    Your FPS is depended on the server you are playing on....don't ask how or why, I don't know. But I know it is.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBrzdxzy0xE
  9. Tweakie

    BattlEye IP/Hardware Bans

    But while you are fixing the hole in the wall, might as well have a few dogs guarding it. Make sense?
  10. And good luck with your vehicle, hope it is a server.
  11. If you have it on steam, try the reinstall battleeye. Or just keep joining servers...sooner or later it will update.
  12. Tweakie

    M4/G17 vs AKM/M9SD

    If it is a M4A3, then I would take the M9SD. If it is a M4A1, then I would take the Glock with the AKM.
  13. Tweakie

    Unknown files filling up my HD

    Try using WinDirStat...so we can actually see the names of the files??? But most likely it is the pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys. Both you can do without...if you know what you are doing. If you don't...let them be. Pagefile can be lowered quite alot if you have enough RAM in your system (around 6 gigs+) http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Change-the-size-of-virtual-memory And hiberfil.sys can be removed by using CMD(in admin mode) and typing "powercfg.exe -h off"... but you can no longer put you computer into hibernation.
  14. This was suppose to be a PM to griff, but it outgrew itself. Now an open letter to the DayZ Staff I suppose. So here goes http://dayzmod.com/f...-artifacts-fix/ Was locked..Fair enough. “Legacy-Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:07 PM Locked Editing the files is not supported, and fix risks kicking you out of the server. While I appreciate what you're doing, understand that it could be potentially dangerous on both malicious and server terms. In other words, why risk having it kick you 20x times? “ But here is why I find this to be unreasonable: His reasoning is fine, it should be “illegal” to edit the DayZ files, since it would be easy to abuse. BUT with DayZ in it's semi broken state, and having been so for over a month, with no hotfix or word on a proper fix for a long time... the community has done the only logical thing, found a fix that works themselves. Countless “fixes” have been thrown around the forum (none worked for me), which all made the same mistake! They tried to treat the symptom, not the disease. While this “fix” removes the disease and brings the high value areas of DayZ back into play. “In other words, why risk having it kick you 20x times? “ Because last Friday I was doing a raid of Stary and NWAF...my eyes actually hurt that evening after spending around 1½-2 hours in glitch areas, and they felt weird the following Saturday. 1½ hours gaming = 1½days punishment, that is completely unreasonable. I would risk being kicked 1000x times, If it leaves my eyes alone...I kinda like my eyes and hope to use them for the rest of my life, pl0x. Not that I have been kicked on my clans server, which means we will have to look into enabling proper *.pbo checks when the issue has actually been fixed. In my honest opinion, unless a proper “fix” is coming in the next 2-3 days, you should look into releasing this as the default dayz (call or whateves) and put back the dead bodies, when they work according to intention. Feel free to ignore, delete or upstream it. I have said my piece. Tweak
  15. Oh I know they were present before 2.5, which is why I wrote "BUT with DayZ in it's semi broken state, and having been so for over a month," Not 18 days...even though 18 days is bad enough. Although I will have to correct myself..it has now, Today, been 1 month. Not over a month. But I think you avoid the main problem in my post...It has a fix, an easy fix, a fix the will work regardless of your system, a actual honest to god FIX. I hope the majority of dayz players and servers would update too, if it was released as a proper release.
  16. As one of the original people on the forum who used that line, sincerely please STFU. Never said nor suggested I was entitled to "bug free alpha", and before you go along with "DayZ forum standard reply #1" maybe you should check who you are saying it to. Do you hear me whining about the tents and vehicles not saving? Do you hear me whine about the lost backpack when you switch outfit? There are bugs and blah blah blah, I know and I don't care..that is how it is suppose to be. How it is not suppose to be is bugs severe enough to actually make your eyes physically hurt, lasting for over a month, do you comprehend that? And there is a fix, an easy fix..and it is been over a month.. This is not a "cry thread" this is a WTH thread. I have moved on to another games...but I still play DayZ. Problem? Didn't even work ½ the time for me (I guess you didn't read the whole post, which is fine...just don't reply then).. The thing is, like I said, this is trying to treat the symptoms, not the disease. If you have a tumour, do you cut it out, or just manage it, so it doesn't affect you anymore? Darling I have been on the forum for much longer than you, I know that it has been posted before, and I know the replies. And I even used to reply like you...but a month later, something has got to change. I posted because: The ONLY fix that will actually work regardless of your system is getting pushed aside for useless tricks and short-term solutions. Instead of a long term actual fix...which is just Sparta. Straight up Hunter S. Thompson Sparta.
  17. Tweakie

    A heads up for new players.

    well, there is another "shortcut" log in and log out quickly of a few servers to activate the "server hopping" protection. Which will then put you on the coast in the end
  18. Tweakie

    A heads up for new players.

    If you are on skalisi island, just swim back to the main land....If you are truly fucked over in the middle of nowhere, dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30955-request-to-be-moved-in-playable-area-stuck-in-debug-plains/unread/
  19. Tweakie

    2 computers, will same character work?

    Your character is locked to your Arrowhead CD key.
  20. Tweakie

    Graphics artifacts fix

    Worked for me. If a admin wants me to stop, please say so....
  21. Tweakie

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    ATI tray tools didn't work for me either.
  22. Or can I rollback my server to a pre glitches version, or will we be stuck in constant "waiting for host"? If yes, Can I use on Hive 0.7.3 (or Hive 0.7.2, which seemed able to save vehicles)
  23. So today I lost everything. Gear I probably had close to 1½-2 months by carrying it from life to life (not been hacked in all this time). Ragequit for dinner. After dinner I had to go back to nothing, while playing on a pitch black server which does bring back some challenges, which is nice actually. But when I had to sit on the back of a motorbike, in pitch black, locked into first person view, I started to feel very uncomfortable. Normally I would be able to use night vision to scan the horizon for crashed choppers, but what I now had was: http://cloud-2.steam...9C6E00CBE2C3CE/ At best I could give out compass directions, but my driver had a map and ingame waypoints, so he had no need. I couldn't make my own choices, was blind, useless and not even in control of being useless. Sorry to get all hippie here...but none the less, felt compelled to share :) EDIT: Got me thinking of a suggestion, Let me use the flashlight (along with guns) while sitting on the back of a bike to at least give the illusion of control. TL:DR DayZ is supposedly about choices; I made the choice to give up my control, was very much aware of it and I did not like it.
  24. Tweakie

    The choice of lose of control

    damn ninja'ed while editing original post :(
  25. Tweakie

    The choice of lose of control

    Fine, I will actually remove the video...to hopefully clear up what the post is about.