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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. If you are playing 2.5, it doesn't matter...next time the server restarts, it is gone (back at its spawn) Ofc you can have fun for a few hours with it.
  2. Tweakie

    Issue with BattleEye global ban

    http://www.battleye.com/ WARNING: Massive cd-key theft going on [ 29.08.2012 • 17:00 ] As already mentioned in the previous news post, there is currently a massive ongoing effort by certain entities to steal people's cd-keys to then sell them for a profit. Private hack forums are full of posts of these fraudsters trying to sell heaps of cd-keys for a cheap price. We are talking about hundreds of cd-keys here, so this is not a small issue at all. The game developers confirmed that this is a huge problem right now. Their process of stealing cd-keys is quite simple: They advertise a supposedly undetected hack on sites like YouTube and the moment you download and run it (it will probably report that the hack failed to load) your cd-key is already stolen. In many cases your actual cd-key in registry is overwritten with a banned one, so you will automatically receive a global ban message on join (see below). This is done to prevent you from using your cd-key again, so the fraudsters can sell them claiming that they are valid and not in use. Note that this can be fixed (temporarily) by deleting the cd-key from the registry and reinstalling your game. While your original cd-key is not banned due to this, it might very well end up being soon when your cd-key is being used by a cheater that purchased it. This causes many players to think they were innocently banned when in fact their cd-key was stolen and used for cheating. At the very least you will often receive a "CD key in use" message when trying to connect to servers. If you think this is false propaganda to cover up supposed false global bans I advise you to do some research on this yourself. You can easily verify this by searching for "free ***" on YouTube. You will see lots of results and almost all of them are scams. Most of them are actually quite popular and have thousands of views. When downloading them and opening the .exe file in e.g. Notepad (warning: do not actually run the .exe!), you can find cd-key related strings such as "SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" (the registry location of the cd-key) inside. In short, heed the following: DO NOT EVER RUN ANY HACKS OR OTHER SUSPICIOUS SOFTWARE! If you end up being banned due to your cd-key being stolen there is nothing we can do for you. Global Ban #3065 [ 20.08.2012 • 11:20 ] Recently many users have contacted us regarding this specific ban. We've investigated the problem and found that it's simply caused by a fake hack that is in fact a cd-key stealer. It also overwrites the user's actual cd-key with a banned one resulting in this very ban ID (the actual cd-key is not banned due to this). This news post will be removed shortly as there is no point in mentioning such things. After all it's the cheaters' fault for getting themselves banned like that.
  3. Tweakie

    Changing mic

    NP, teaching people to fish all day long here.
  4. Tweakie

    Changing mic

  5. Tweakie

    Changing mic

    Pretty sure Arma uses your windows default mic. Could be wrong.
  6. Tweakie

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    Well I reported a Admin who banned me while i was joining (there were 5 people on the server)..with a video, the DayZ staff still haven't take a look at it (it was 8. aug. 2012), soo good luck.
  7. Tweakie

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    And from my point of view; people who do this, should have get a 1-2 days timeout, to reconsider their playstyle.
  8. Tweakie

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    Well, there is a server hopping protection, to prevent people from alt-f4ing in combat and move position and then reengage on more favourable terms. Basicly you can in to 2 servers in a short while (something like 5-10 minutes), if you log in a 3'rd time, the system will assume you are trying to "cheat" and punish you. (it only counts, if you have a successful log in) This info on this system has not been published (as far as I know), to prevent "cheater" to find a way to circumvent the system. At least something like that. Beyond this, somebody else will have to fill in more information or you will have to do your own research.
  9. Putting some of the graphics settings on low, will actually unload them to the CPU....not sure this is what you want to do :P I know for a FACT, that shadows get offloaded to the CPU, when set below "high".. BTW, I have a 4x2.5ghz AMD CPU, and in cities with alot of players/server that have been running for a long time, I get crap FPS too. Your FPS is depended on the server you are playing on, how many players are on the server, how long it has been running...etc "(Buying a new Hardware for this outdatet Motherboard isn't worth it) But the GPU should be able to handle Day-Z at least at minimum settings. (it can handle Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA at Full HD and 30 FPS on Minimum-Medium settings.) It is a pretty good GPU for this age." - Apple and oranges my dear....the specs for Arma and DayZ cannot be compared, DayZ is more demanding.
  10. BTW, comparing Ghz is not an effective way of judging your CPU performance anymore....there is alot more too it at this point.
  11. PC Hardware: - Core 2 Quad Q9300 2,5GHz -> fair enough, not good at all...but fair - 3GB DDR2 Ram -> too little, but just enough for DayZ (you should still have more, in this day and age) - Geforce 9600 GT 512 MB Ram -> Crap, pure and utter crap, at this point. 100% needs a upgrade, you are basicly wasting money by using this, as you are wasting alot of power(watts) to power something that is underperforming. - 1 TB 7200 Rpm Harddrive -> meh, fine And another factor could be the resolution of your Desktop monitor vs your laptop (laptop tend to have smaller resolution). Or that you have had your Desktop for a long while, and not been able to properly maintain it I.E. Your windows installation is fucked at this point, your fans are filled with dust and not cooling your hardware properly.
  12. Tweakie

    Why the radio silence?!?

    First off: thanks for the update at least, and while your reasons are legitimate and fine. I still wish a "" with the Dead_soldiers replaced or removed had been released after 2.5 didnt fix the eye watering glitches. I miss quicker smaller hotfixes. BTW, I laughed my ass of during the IGN interview when you suggested turning off Vsync and it made the bugs even worse....was good fun :P P.S. Remember to have time for a beer once in a while.
  13. Tweakie

    Script restriction #41

    And matie...seems you are talking out your ass, I suggest you stop that....the smell is unbearable.
  14. Tweakie

    Script restriction #41

    Nah, that is the new Battleye update.. I installed it on my server, and now it is fucked...if i downgrade to older script.txt I just get other restrictions... basicly you have to find a server that didn't update (or the update actually installed properly on) Meanwhile, I am waiting for DayZhosting.com to actually use their "Live Chat".
  15. Tweakie

    GDC Online Awards

    Have you considered deleting dead_soldier_0.p3d, dead_soldier_1.p3d, dead_soldier_template.p3d from the *.pbo and be done with it? I suppose wires could still bug out...but it seems the main offenders are the "dead_soldier"s Maybe add them back somewhere down the line, when/if you get them sorted? A small loss of immersion, to prevent a major loss of immersion. I know it is not the preferred solution, but it fucking works for the amazing 2 days I ran it....until a admin finally replied and said "no editing *.pbo" (My eyes and I still hate legacy for it)
  16. Do not install "Must Have: BattlEye Improved Security #3" at the moment, everyone gets kicked for script restriction #41. Pretty damn sure it is bugged....for now.
  17. Tweakie

    For DayZhosting.com admins

    And downgrading to older script.txt doesn't work, you will just get other script resritction.....
  18. Tweakie

    Arma 2:BAF Help ?

    As far as i know. The PMC and BAF DLC, makes camo and ghillie suits look better...not the hero/bandit skin.
  19. Tweakie

    I Want To Get A New Graphics Card, Please Help

    @jorden...I suggest you read OP. This is not about price/performance...this is purely price.
  20. Tweakie

    I Want To Get A New Graphics Card, Please Help

    I would still suggest trying to go for at least a 5750 or 5770, which is the "budget gamer" line.
  21. Tweakie

    I Want To Get A New Graphics Card, Please Help

    Well the 5450 is a 2 generation old card, from the budget/office line....you can play game on it, but don't expect amazing results (will be better than what you currently got)
  22. Holy wall of text....i would consider reading it...but it would make my brain hurt (abit hung over). Please try to use the Return key....don't be scared, it won't bite.
  23. Tweakie

    Keep or Remove waypoints

    It was on my server, and then my group found out about it. Nobody got lost anymore, which was a damn shame...getting lost is one of the best parts of DayZ IMHO. I turned it off, and only heard complaints the first evening... Basicly it makes the world to easy to navigate.. I thought people played DayZ because it is hard.