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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. Tweakie

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    The DayZ rules you are talking about, only affect the normal hive servers. If you host a private hive, you can enforce a "only PvP, no zombie killing" server, if that is what you want. How about a "must wear clown faces or get banned"? You can do that....how about a "hackers only" you can do that....see where this is going? And the MOTDs pop up while you are in the lobby, so you don't waste any time. Fine, you don't like none-PvP servers, but you are finding problems where there are none.
  2. Tweakie

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    Just a sec....how does this affect you? You still got 300 other servers to play on.... WTF is the problem? They host the server, they host a private hive...hence they can make the rules for their server.
  3. Tweakie

    Getting an error message for takistan?

    Don't use dayzcommander, can't help you with that (I use sixupdater, for downloading and run manually). Make sure DayZTakistan is enabled in the expansion menu....and dunno, make sure normal DayZ is disabled.
  4. + your FPS is affected by the server you are on....remember to check multiple server (preferably newly rebooted servers)
  5. Integrated graphics is a no go... It is getting decent for lightweight gaming. But this isn't lightweight. Check if you previous laptop had a proper graphics chip, if so...There is your problem
  6. Tweakie

    Getting an error message for takistan?

    You don't use DayZ, you use DayZTakistan...2 different mods
  7. Tweakie

    Crashed Helicopter Smoke

    It is allready in there, it has been in there for a long time, it is just extremely bugged. Basicly I find: I have better luck getting fire and smoke, if I join early on it the servers creation. Also after a death, you seem to lose the smoke.
  8. Tweakie

    problem with humanity!

    your humanity is persistent....only factor of the mod that is.
  9. Tweakie Stable ?

    If tents are missing, try restarting the server...sometimes they don't spawn (rare, but it has happened to me before on multiple patches)
  10. Tweakie

    Login protection?`

    A server hoppers wettest dream, so nope. Learn to log out safely (IE in a bush/pinetree, anything that will hide you abit)
  11. Tweakie

    Zombies happy with the Dogs update. ?? Soooo 3 patches ago? Damn dogs are good at hiding.
  12. Tweakie

    Reset vehicles

    Because the players who took the time to gather the parts and fix it. They now "own" it, until you can find it and take it from them. Wiping the server clean, is abusing your admin powers to take something you want, away from them without any effort. Atleast, that is how I view it.
  13. Bitrate too low....I am sure it was interesting, on your screen.
  14. If you have Arrowhead on steam, use the "reinstall battleye". Seems to fix it for my technology illiterate friend.
  15. Tweakie

    Wheres My Interface Bar? I need my interface Bar!...

    Patch note, read them. Then post.
  16. Tweakie

    Tent - Bug or looted ?

    Tents in only work in their "first save state" meaning the first time you save it, that is what it will contain. There is a unoffcial fix, that not all servers have installed. In, tents and vehicles are supposedly fixed again (i haven't tested, since my server provider is being slow to update)
  17. Tweakie

    V1.7.2.6 don't shoe the information table?

    I would suggest you actually read the notes, before you ask about it ???
  18. Tweakie

    Fixed tents/vehicles? Wipe the hive

    Well, I am against a Hive wipe...since I got myself a MK 48, Enfield L85, NVGs, GPS, etc etc etc..All I need is Rangefinders, radio and a coyote backpack. All of this loot, I have gotten legitimately, even without killing a single player. A hive wipe, would suck for me.
  19. Tweakie

    Reset vehicles

    That would be admin abuse, so nope.
  20. Tweakie

    Hero Skin

    Soooo, he can have a new name with low humanity?? What good would that serve? Everything is tied to your CD-key, not your playerID
  21. Tweakie

    Hero Skin

    Yes you can easily reset your humanity. Buy a new copy of arrowhead.
  22. Hopefully you live in the US and can sue him for "emotional distress" or whatever they call it.
  23. Tweakie

    list of dumb server admins

    Once in a while, you come across a thread, which makes you wish you had a downvote button. It is not often, but sometimes.
  24. Tweakie

    New Map?

    Rocket showed off DayZ on Utes, back at rezzed...if my memory isn't lying to me