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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. Tweakie

    When will tents and vehicles dissapear?

    vehicles reset after 1 week of inactivity....last i heard.
  2. Tweakie

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    My two cents...Yes, but not hueys...I would love for it to be only Civilian choppers and maybe biplanes.
  3. Tweakie

    cant join vilayer servers

    Maybe you got banned from the vilayer hive.
  4. Look at the sun, judge the direction of it based on the time of day..Profit.
  5. I would think you would have better luck asking on the Arma forum......just a thought.
  6. Tweakie

    CD key in use?!

    Global Ban #3065 20.08.2012 • 11:20 Recently many users have contacted us regarding this specific ban. We've investigated the problem and found that it's simply caused by a fake hack that is in fact a cd-key stealer. It also overwrites the user's actual cd-key with a banned one resulting in this very ban ID (the actual cd-key is not banned due to this). This news post will be removed shortly as there is no point in mentioning such things. After all it's the cheaters' fault for getting themselves banned like that.
  7. Tweakie

    R.I.P. after 80 DayZ :)

    Went public in april.
  8. Tweakie

    what is This OA:Beta?

    Arrowhead betas have pretty much been required to play DayZ since May~
  9. Tweakie

    dayz won't launch :(

    Dayzcommander and be done with it... DayZcommander is so simple you can't fuck it up.
  10. Tweakie

    Makarov SD...wtf, please explain

    Or you could be on a Private hive with a custom loot table...
  11. Tweakie

    What do I need downloaded to play?

    WTF are you talking about? There are 2 ways to install it on the website....Sixupdater or DayZcommander.....Or you could just install it manually, just like you install other arma mods. http://dayzmod.com/?Download Also it is pretty damn easy to install. 1: Unpack the files 2: Enable the files 3: play Or for the noobs 1:Install DayZcommander 2:play If you hang on a few minutes, I can probably find some grapes and cheese for your whine. Or would you rather like some crackers?
  12. Tweakie

    A better way to monetize the standalone?

    1: i think you like MMO's 2: He didn't say they were going to charge for maps, he said they COULD charge for maps if they don't sell enough copies to continue development otherwise. 3: I would rather pay a small fee for a whole extra map, than a emblem, which should be part of the base game anyways.
  13. Tweakie

    Taking screen shot help

    Or just steam overlay...
  14. Tweakie

    Weapon Balance > Damage Increase

    Game vs Sim....... Better guns are suppose to be "better" If all guns are equal, why search? Just go to town with your Lee Enfield. "rate of fire, recoil control, bullet spreads, drop and speed, and ammunition type" These should be based on and reflect their real-life counterpart. My thoughts would be: You missed the point, you are still thinking off DayZ/Arma as a game...you should stop doing that.
  15. Probably just a lot of zombies that just got offloaded to your CPU.
  16. Tweakie

    Brother's Laptop

    I could play it on my system (does have dual GPU, worse CPU) and it plays it with 20-25~ fps when I am out in the wild...not sure it would be playable in cities (never tried...but then again..big cities feel unplayable even on my desktop)...but you CAN play it. Short story, I am 95% sure he can play it with somewhat bad FPS. But enough to snipe/overwatch effectively.
  17. 1: Radios have spawned in the game for months...but they are ALMOST useless....there are likely plans for it later on in development. 2: Go to the place we do not mention with the radio and enjoy a little something something, very few DayZ players have experienced (at least first hand and without cheats).
  18. Tweakie

    How do you fix a Boat?

    you can get a helicopter to push it back out...
  19. Have you actually started it, atleast once?
  20. I thought I already did. And yes, you will have to spend another 20 dollars, if you had done your research you would only have to spend an extra 10 dollars.....your mistake. Even then, ghillie and camo suits will be low res textures, since they are part of the DLCs. Or just suck it up, and wait for the standalone?
  21. Chernarus is a arma 2 map...so bad graphics. Maybe you will have some good texture skins from arrowhead.
  22. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+install+windows+on+mac
  23. Bootcamp, and install windows.
  24. Tweakie

    How 2 Suicide?

    start the game go into windowed mode Start sprinting any direction Watch a movie when movie is done, check progress on dying. If not, start next movie. OR. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30955-request-to-be-moved-in-playable-area-stuck-in-debug-plains (not sure if this is still in use tho)
  25. Tweakie

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    Pure server. And I am not a server hoster. I rent a server, which I admin...Soo I am a server admin. I don't feel entitled to do so, I am stating the fact, that you can do so. And No, I wouldn't implement a "no PvP" rule. But having played back just before DayZ got really popular, I would definitely experiment with KoS deterrents. I dunno what it would be...but if I had the possibility, you bet I would. Mod was better when you could roll up to a random bandit, and you could fuck about together, get some beans, maybe a winchester and get mauled by laser guided zombies, not knowing that a bullet was coming for you in the next 30 seconds. Some people really love Dubstep...I am not a fan. Some people really like Star Trek TNG/TOS, I am more of a DS9 guy myself. Some people like pirates of the Caribbean, I think it is utter crap. Some people drink beer, even when cider is available. There is no accounting for taste, and somebody has setup a server according to his/her taste. What we have here is you saying: "Dubstep is crap, fact. Rocket said so" But what it is, is just a server host who likes Dubstep. Back to the original point of, So fucking what? Now go play on one of the 300 other servers. P.S. "however what I am saying is that it is super lame to do so...thats called an opinion" Why do you answer you own questions? In his opinion KoS is "super lame", you like it....Agree to disagree. P.P.S. "however what I am saying is that I think it is super lame to do so...that's called an opinion" there, I fixed it for you.