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Everything posted by Tweakie

  1. Tweakie

    Contact from Battle Eye - Doesn't mean much though.

    Sooo, you want a anti-hacking system to publish how they handle hackers, so it will be easier for hackers to circumvent the measures they have taken? Plenty of hackers have been banned, Too bad you didn't spend a full 3 minutes on this forum and you could easily see that. Whine whine, QQ buhuuuu, i lost my alice pack with a AK in it WAHHHHHHHH. Grow up. Sadly you don't know shit about jack. Arma was always suppose to be a trusting system and as such scripting was basicly allowed. And they could get away with it, because Arma was a mature grown up community, and then DayZ came along.
  2. Tweakie

    How to bait someone in DayZ

    Don't know if you noticed, but that guy had trapped himself in a tower. Could easily be left alone, he was no threat. And didn't appear that OP want to loot his body...so killing for the sake of killing, no beans. Also, have a report, learn to be civilised .
  3. Tweakie

    How to bait someone in DayZ

    Killing player, just to kill player......No beans for you.
  4. Tweakie

    Globe Ban Appeal

    Go beat up your brother until he pays for a new copy, problem solved. The ban is legit and should stick.
  5. .....? What? are you drunk or high?
  6. Just so you know, you can't blink away and go invisible.
  7. Tweakie

    1.62 - 1.62.95389 - WHAT?

    Make sure "beta" is enabled in the expansion menu (in the main menu screen)
  8. Tweakie

    voice chat

    You activate VoIP and then you talk into your mic. Default VoIP button = Caps lock and make sure you are in the correct channel (direct chat)
  9. Tweakie

    xbox gamepad + heli

    Enable it in the controller menu. And maybe you then have to bind keys as you want. But as far as i know, it should be possible
  10. Tweakie

    Fix the Crossbow

    Learn the difference between Arma and DayZ.
  11. Gonna go ahead and say, I would disagree with all these changes, except for the L85A2
  12. Tweakie

    The Alt+F4 easy fix!!!!!!!!!!

    Just so you know, you are definitely the first DayZ player, who has also played a MMO, none of the previous 950.000 players have ever been near a MMO we only play CoD and BF3
  13. Tweakie

    The Alt+F4 easy fix!!!!!!!!!!

    Patch notes, fucking read them. + you are about 3 months late with that suggestion. Might wanna try using the search function.
  14. Tweakie

    can anybody help w running dayz

    "intel pentium" <--- well there is your problem! On the more serious note, your FPS can be affected by the server you are playing on. Try across multiple servers and see if you get 6 FPS on all of them. And you will need a more beasty computer to play DayZ, than you will need to play Arma 2.
  15. If you are out of the confines of the map, it "should" reset you to a proper location next time you log in. (if i remember my patchnotes correct)
  16. Tweakie

    Help with battleye kicks please

    Hopefully Battleye has kept your IP/mac address and will keep banning you every time you come back. Reformat your computer, try again. ALSO DON*T POST BAN APPEALS ON THE DAYZ WEBSITE, IT BELONGS WITH BATTLEYE! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/
  17. Tweakie

    Six Launcer Crashes My computer

    Don't use sixupdater then? try Dayzcommander or just install manually
  18. No proof, nothing will come of this thread, atleast the DayZ staff can't help you. You will have to talk to the admin, to get this sorted. Add screenshots, video or recording from the admins Ts/vent/mumble when he talked about banning you. If you want help from the DayZ staff.
  19. 140 miles?? did you fail math? It is 15km long and 15km wide, which is 9.3x9.3 miles 225km2 = 86~miles2
  20. Tweakie

    This game has gone to shit.

    kk, I will just go ahead and report you and try to get your CD-key banned from the Hive server, since you don't want to play DayZ anymore. And have stated your intentions to use hacks. Win/win. BTW you can fit underneath a car, and thereby avoid damage.
  21. Sometimes it is placed "Inside" the ground, which means they are pretty much impossible to see/using. I have also seen them appear 50meters off in a random direction.
  22. Tweakie

    How much ammo should I carry?

    1 bullet more, than you will use. There is no limit, it depends on how good/patient you are at sneaking and what you current objective is. When things go wrong, you will use ammo faster than you might expect.
  23. Tweakie

    This mod needs major help..

    1: Well fix it, and send the fix to rocket. Problem solved, since you can easily do it, I am sure rocket would appreciate the help. 2: How would you eat? pay rent? You do know he is working on Arma 3 too? 3: Calling people "faggot", for disagreeing with you. Grow the fuck up, already. You are 20 years old, act like it. Womb raider is probably just tired of all the "herp derp WarZ is soo much better than DayZ already" while they have only seen some screenshots (which can be photoshopped). Yeah I will try out WarZ too, but I am waiting for it to be released before judging/comparing it. 4: Herp dee fucking derp, ofcause WarZ is being developed faster than DayZ....they are an actual studio (new, unproven, big on words studio) vs 1 Single person.
  24. Tweakie

    LU38 Server wipe?

    Admins can't server wipe. Either somebody jacked your camp and drove over the tents. Or you ran into a bug.
  25. Tweakie


    Pretty sure, if you keep getting magical "hacked weapons" time and time again. You and your friends will get caught out. Having a friend hack in gear and then letting other people he knows use them, is not a bypass.