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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. which files do we have to download when it comes out?
  2. timsaint@comcast.net

    DayZ Stories

    I had been working across the countryside with my friend Gubanov, when we were hit hard by zombies and he was incapacitated with only 1000 blood, going in and out of conciousness. I made my way a couple Km to elektro, and proceeded to sneak onto the hospital, where I retrieved 2 bags of blood. I climbed down the other ladder, but someone had placed barbed wire and glitched it, and I was badly injured. I managed to stop the bleeding, and got back up top; I then realized I needed a transfusion, and quick. I called out for help. Honorbound47 answered. I was careful, as I had gone two days without dying and had some OK stuff. I told him to climb up the ladder with his weapon lowered and give me the transfusion, and he follow my directions carefully and gave me my transfusion. I gave him 45 slugs for his 1887, told him I owed him one and he went on his way. I remained on top of the hospital, preparing to get off when I heard screams from below. I peeked over the edge and saw him fighting a horde of zeds. I climbed down the ladder and escorted him up the ladder again to the low elevated part of the hospital, dropping a few zeds along the way with my AKM. I continued covering while he patched himself up, and then we realized the scale of what we were facing. There were at least 50, because I bagged 48 and he had been shooting as well. As the smoke cleared, it appeared they were all dead and we descended to inspect the carnage. We had burned through mass amounts of ammo, and were unprepared when the 2nd wave came, or what seemed to be another wave. I got up again, but he was surrounded before he could get to the ladder and was devoured. Props to you honorbound47, and I hope to kill undead with you again in the future.
  3. I'm curious, I've been looking around; where is the best chance of finding a tent? I'm trying to survive in the wilderness and it's the last thing on my list to find.