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    On the Coast
  1. Whats up guys, I am Steve, or TrayneTV I am looking for a clan or squad of some sort to play with. I have TS3 and Skype. Too add me on skype leave you skype below, I will be sure to check this post as often as possible. Age: 18 Location: Canada, Ontario Time Zone: Eastern Standard Mods: Epoch, Overwatch. Willing to try others. About me: I am on every night, and I am looking for players 17+ with experience of the game, and the ability to play almost every night. I stream as much as possible.. If you are a streaming community I would love to join. I don't mind joining a clan, but Id rather be a part of a squad. Any questions? leave a comment. If you want to talk to me over skype or TS3. Leave your Skype name or TS3 address below. Thanks for checking it out
  2. Whats up guys, Im Steve, 18, and from Canada. Im looking for either a clan that has a military sim to it, atleast call outs, and organisation is good for me to. I have experience with DayZ. I am good at communicating, I have some Competitive CoD in my background. I play DayZ everyday, some say I play too much. I am starting to stream, as I just got a new computer. I am looking for a squad that can take the game seriously but all in all have fun, and dont rage over a death. I want to see organisation, and callouts in the squad I join. Skills in game: I can fly helicopters, drive cars. I can bring ideas and call outs to the squad, and I also can play as a Bandit or Hero. Aslong as I get to kill something eventually. So just reply on this thread for now. I also have skype and Teamspeak. If you guys use something different I will just download the program. Thanks :)

    Group for a Hero and friends?

    Hey, Ive usually play with my friends but they are slacking at this game :P I work part time, Im EST time zone ,and play hockey, but I am on as much as possible. I am still way into DayZ, and have been playing for around 3 months, since I play with my friends theres not really serious play althought we took it seriously at times. I am a very good helicopter pilot and driver for any vehicle, not a good sniper, but I love to kill people. I have 2 friends that still play, they might come first sometimes just depends on the situation. My experience, I love getting that odd kill, but I also like helping people, like i said before I am a pretty good helicopter pilot, designated pilot when playing with my friends, and a good car/Ural driver. I know the map pretty well. I am not a hacker, but ill admit i do use hacked items if I kill one, but if thats one of your rules not to, ill stay clear. Also, i know where alot of vehicle spawns are. anyways if you want to contact me add me on steam zz_WiZZ_zz. Also, im 17 years old, and not an annoying kid :P I have skype to and TS3