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Everything posted by Iseeyou

  1. If anybody has attempted this, it is impossible to play as the independent black woman on this game. You immediately get reverted to a WHITE!! woman. As a single, female lawyer (who yes, happens to be black) I think Rocket should stop acting so niggardly to let us black woman represent ourselves instead of supporting the racist population that is commonplace on the servers. Also, why are all the Smilies yellow, or as you racists say "Yella"? Obama 2012.
  2. Not that great. Sniped a zombie from 800m away, hit him in the middle of the arm and he didn't die. Total immersion failure. I expected at the least to see part of his arm / entire right side fly the fuck off
  3. Iseeyou

    Are the new female skins racist?

    Why are you all making fun of my diabetus and my race's daily struggle with it?
  4. Iseeyou

    So, does crashed heli loot respawn?

    Loot should be around it (the middle section where seats / gun turrets are)
  5. All my pals were running Arma2 free so they don't have hi-res textures. Looks far better with hi-res; somebody posted it a few threads down.
  6. Rocket, I see you posted somewhere that you cannot change your character sex after selecting when logging in due to "The character is to reflect you" or something along those lines "because this is not fucking WoW". How can members of the community "reflect you" if they are currently a male (or female) to represent their physical appearance, get a sex change op and becomea female (or male)? I believe changing this would destroy the Artistic Integrity Dayz and should not be changed. But alas, my heathen brethren must be allowed to "reflect you" then and now somehow.
  7. I, as the leader of the "Goons", am willing to verify that Mojo is quite possibly the worst goon and does in fact dupe M107's, NVG's and M240's on a daily basis.
  8. What server will this be on?
  9. Iseeyou

    Just take my money

    Then it's most likely a lock. Tata :) I'm not an expert on this stuff so riddle me this. How are "the local servers getting fucked because you guys keep DDoS'ing them" when there are less than 10 people (out of 50) on a number of "local" servers I have attempted to log on today without success?