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About Rue

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  1. Interesting things happen when there is a large group. Many players see a group and are hesitant to shoot on sight because that would mean certain death. I'm looking forward to the day when direct voice comms are reliable.
  2. 2.5 It's hard to survive in the woods, sometimes you gotta scavenge.
  3. I'm not sure what your point is here, but I believe that getting shot by another player is a risk no matter what server you are in. The rules that govern admins ability to kick are very strict for a reason. In a sandbox game, players are permitted to play how they want, thus, unless they exhibit behavior that warrants a kick (as set forth by rocket) there can be no "wrong thing" and "getting back" at admins is permitted.
  4. I often see more regular servers than vet servers, here at US West. I prefer vet servers. When I have crud/no gear I play regular because heck I don't have anything to lose. When I've got better gear I head to the veteran servers. I feel much safer knowing that people arent able to see my tag from a mile away or able to see me over and around walls.
  5. I did something similar once. This was pre-naked spawn, when people spawned with makarov. I ran to the radio tower near the coast and as I was climbing up it (thought there'd be loot) a bandit sneaks up behind me and starts shooting me with his mak as I'm climbing the ladder. I get to the top, apply a bandage and go prone. All the while the guy is trying so hard to hit me. I manage to lay a few bullets into him, but my blood is low and I know I'm a sitting duck. So I say "f' it" and I eat my beans, drink my soda and water, use my bandages and pain killers, and unload the rest of my makarov in his general direction. After respawning, about 5 minutes later I see his name "so and so has died." I laughed.
  6. +1 I think adding journals is a fantastic idea that will go farther in not only deepening the immersion in the world, but also by adding a more human element to the game. Like previous posters have stated, this may alter the behaviors of many players in game by adding weight to lives and gravity for taking them... some people may feel genuinely guilty after killing a player a reading his story of struggling to survive in the journal. Of course there will be players who write abusive garbage, but hey, when a player kills them... they will get a good laugh. It may also encourage players to get more immersed in the whole survival simulator side since they'd like a cool story to write down... rather than "Today I logged in and shot a guy lol kbye" As to how it may work: You will be able to find journals as loot. When you pick them up they go into your tool belt. Maybe each player can carry as many journals as they can fit on their belt (or maybe just 1). Content in journals is editable (just as you can tear pages out of a journal irl).
  7. The point is to survive. If you shoot near zombies, expect them to hear it. Maybe lead it away from other zombies before killing it, or use a quieter weapon.
  8. I was running from zombies yesterday and one climbed up a ladder to reach me. Note: I was NOT on the ladder when it started climbing.
  9. Rue

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    People are bored, zombies are easy, there is no reason to team up with other players because then you are competing with your buddy for loot... and for what? You can just run away from zombies. Until this game is challenging enough players have no incentive to befriend another and more incentive to be safe rather than sorry.
  10. Game purchase. But I'd also be okay with micro-purchases for purely cosmetic skins if it'll help support the devs.
  11. If you have nothing constructive to say, then you really have no business being here; let alone complaining about alpha. Pro tip: Everytime you find something 'broken' then report it in the bugs forum. That is constructive.
  12. I made a post about this in bug reports, but since it is not technically a bug, I am re-writing it in this section. Main point: The location text that types out in when you first spawn (I.e. Chernogorsk, Day 0) disappears too quickly. By the time my graphics are loaded up the text is already disappearing and illegible. I can hear the sound of the text typing out and disappearing. Not knowing where I initially spawn is a huge detriment to my survival (since I don't know which way to go for supplies). I suggest increasing the location text duration by 2-5 seconds so those of us with less superior computers can actually read where we are.
  13. You're the best, Rocket (and team)