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Everything posted by FizzyT

  1. Who do I bribe in the dev team for one of these bad boys haha http://www.businessinsider.com/step-inside-the-underground-apocalypse-shelters-that-will-save-a-few-lucky-humans-friday-2012-12?op=1
  2. Awesome work guys, really didn't expect to see an enter able ship :D It's got me thinking though... With Dean talking about base building being underground as it's far easier to implement than above ground how about a Mine? Czech republic has an abandoned Uranium mine apparently... http://www.euromines.org/sites/default/files/styles/half_width/public/content/images/former-and-operating-mining-sites-and-their-benefits-local-communities-examples-czech-republic-1235.jpg?itok=-IL9GrUn http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3005/4036300155_98a45793ed_z.jpg Might be going a bit far haha either way back to the ship I do hope we can use the radio on board if repaired and honk the ship horn :thumbsup:
  3. Just thought I'd add a few pictures of my Hero Base I've added with 3 vehicles which will respawn on server restart. SUV, Humvee and a Huey. These vehicles are locked so only players of a Hero class can access them, basically for Hero use only for carrying out Hero work ;) The Bandit Camp on Klen hill get's the same treatment, 3 vehicles which respawn and locked for Bandit's only. Hero Base and Bandit Base vehicles have a script against them so access isn't automatic and players need to request the help of an Admin so we can add your name to the access list. Hero Base arma2oa 2013-04-18 16-41-29-36 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr arma2oa 2013-04-18 16-36-49-56 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr arma2oa 2013-04-18 16-37-14-99 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr Bandit Base arma2oa 2013-04-18 17-09-58-20 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr arma2oa 2013-04-18 17-11-01-10 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr arma2oa 2013-04-18 17-11-17-56 by MrfizzyT, on Flickr
  4. The server is now fully updated with my latest additions being a Hero Base and upgraded North East Airfield. Should make it a very busy place with 8 hangers, fire station, coms tower, 2 Industrial buildings, 2 medical tents and 4 barracks. :) I'm going to add extra loot spawning areas to the North West Airfield so that too is brought up to date. :thumbsup: Dotted all over the map are also sniper encampments and additional deer stands which are overlooking all the major new additions so with every positive there is a negative for you to look out for! So watch out! :lol: Hero base (North West of Cherno) and Bandit base (on top of Klen hill) will have vehicles spawn at every server restart (6 hour intervals), these vehicles will disappear and reappear every restart so use them wisely (Hero Base vehicles yet to be set up). These vehicles are going to be locked so only Bandit / Hero's can use their own bases vehicles. ;) New scripts are going on tomorrow which should add a more dynamic weather system. We are also looking to add animated helicopter crash sites.
  5. Banned 3 idiots this morning for abusing players. Players who annoy the F out of me and our well behaved players will not be tolerated. Breaking the rules and abusing the admins is only going to lead to one thing. :) Goodbye.
  6. *No other mods* I've updated the map again, now we have additions like fire stations and or general stores in some other coastal towns to aid you getting equipped after a death. Many more vehicle spawn locations to keep things fresh,No more "That vehicle always spawns there" because we have tripled our spawn locations :) Over 100 Vehicles are constantly on server. North East Airfield has a major update and the map has many more deer stands and camo bunkers dotted around the map. Where a fire station / hospital / store in out in the open in a new placement you will find 2-3 deer stands off in the hills to be a good sniping location. Custom load outs are being introduced too. Still in the early stages of thinking them through but working off your humanity level we are issuing custom load outs at various levels. Custom load outs available at the moment include... (Humanity point reward levels may increase/decrease) Medic - Use of Medic Vehicles at the Green zone, M9SD and New skin. (Gain Hero Status +5000 Humanity) Hero - Use of Hero camp Vehicles, Pistol on Spawn. (Gain Hero Status +5000 Humanity) Supreme Hero - Use of Hero camp Vehicles, Pistol & Lee Enfield on Spawn. (Gain +10000 Humanity) Ultimate Hero - Use of Hero camp Vehicles, Pistol, GPS & M16A2 on Spawn. (Gain +25000 Humanity) Bandit - Use of Bandit camp Vehicles & Pistol on Spawn. (Gain -5000 Humanity) Supreme Bandit - Use of Bandit camp Vehicles, New skin,Pistol,Military torch & AK74 Kobra on Spawn. (Gain -10000 Humanity) Bandit King - Use of Bandit camp Vehicles, New skin, Pistol, Military torch,GPS & CZ550 on Spawn.(Gain -25000 Humanity)
  7. FizzyT

    Lag Spikes

    I had major lag when running on a wifi card. Swapped to a long Ethernet cable and goodbye lag.
  8. FizzyT

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Make the game as realistic as possible. We don't have a cross hair in real life...We shouldn't have one in DayZ.
  9. I was just editing the map for our server when I noticed this billboard I've not seen or taken notice of before. Is it me or does it look like Dean Hall has photoshopped himself into the picture? 3rd from the left. I could be wrong but it's amused me none the less.
  10. I'm an Admin on a server and although we too are against admin abuse we still get accused of it. Lets hope you have good times ahead :)
  11. FizzyT

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    Matches should also have a number of times you could actually use them.Not all matchboxes you pick up are brand new,some might only have 8 matches left,..some might be new and have 50.Make it random?
  12. I very much like The Khan's suggestions :) Some I've thought of are... New item suggestion... This would be used to open high value buildings that are locked with padlocks/chains etc. You could shoot out the lock but that will attract zombies and players. More wild animals e.g. Deer,Bears,ducks and most importantly rats.(all food sources) I think the maps needs small natural caves out in the wilderness,You could kill a bear/family of bears and use it as a shelter Spare wheels on UAZ & URAL for example should be able to be removed and used rather than just a visable but non usable item. Dean 'Rocket' Hall has already mentioned about weapon durability but I think you should have to clean and maintain your weapons to extend their life/reliability or you will get jams that need to be cleared before you can fire again. Your torch should require the batteries to be replaced over time. This is just a suggestion for more Player interactions... Players should be able to wear both a vest pouch and a back pack if they wish. Players should be able to climb onto small roof's such as sheds to avoid zombies. Players should be able to climb over wire fences and walls. Players could potentially open windows and climb out if on the ground floor?
  13. I enjoy driving through the woods in a vehicle in the dead of night...praying the people above in the helicopter haven't spotted you.
  14. It's failing to load as much as this cat fails to clear the gap.
  15. I know the server was rebooting but does anyone know if it's working or not? Can't seem to log in :(
  16. If only one of the new vehicles was an ambulance hehe
  17. I think the server needed a little divide like this. Our squad now has the names of the few. They know who they are :P I'm looking forward to our next encounter guys. Keep in mind though that usually we would let people know of our intentions so they have a chance to avoid the situation. This time we won't be so social.
  18. Ok so I was flying a chopper with our whole squad then I got kicked? It was just as our guy on the ground was scouting a heli that was on the ground. Opporsite2u killed our guy on the floor then killed me as I was unconscious. Your name will not be forgotten.
  19. I'm getting rejected from joining the server any way I try. Keep getting "unhandled exception during sync,unable to connect to remote server" error on Play withSix too
  20. Well that was amusing :rolleyes:
  21. All I know is I kept running in the direction you drove me because I knew my squad was in that direction on a random mission lol Ended up running for about 10-15mins before ending up at a lumber mill on the coast. Had no map so had to disconnect to look on the map online. Yeah I had no idea where I was for a while :blush: I thought you'd dropped me at Electro
  22. Haha Yeah that game cranks me but good for a laugh. Elwyn you know in our last game I got killed somehow when the server disconnected me due to my ping spiking? Well Shadz was nice enough to drop me off just on the outskirts of Electro,I then kept running and managed to end up at the Lumber mill up Berezino :lol: I thought it took a while to run,Had no idea where I was so hid in a church fountain and logged out as I was going to die of thirst.