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Posts posted by cab435

  1. I found more cheating on private server .. and even more hacker ass holes killing everyone.

    The only good thing is the server can be rolled back and you get items after mass slaying.

    Still most I've seen have big clans that have hacked in guns and tons of cheated in gear stashed all over.

    The have AS50s with heat sites and laser markers to see in any view mode they like.

    Pick your fuck up nothing right now is perfect private or public.

    White listed server seem safer but still could have the same item cheating issue like I said.

  2. if you take out the pvp or even limit it then your taking out most of the survival part of dayz.

    Zombies become easy to deal after a while the only real threat to you is other people.

    This is realistic as it would be the same if zombies really did walk the earth. No one would be nice or help you its kill or be killed.

    Someone would kill you for a pear of shoes or maybe a nicer pack to carry food in. The shit would hit the

    Fan and it would be a blood bath.

  3. Yeah how they move around needs worked on.

    They are so buggy and just don't move around right.

    Really a zombie shouldn't move to fast but still should follow after you for some time.

    Even if they loos site they should go the last way they saw you in search of flesh.

  4. Server hopping is a contentious issue.

    It's really nice to be able to change servers at will, but it creates all kinds of problems, Ghosting being the primary issue, server hopping for loot farming, vehicles and sniper killing noobs being other issues.

    I wonder if the cons outweigh the pros on this one and thought it might be interesting to see what everyone else thinks about how it should be handled in the standalone.

    So vote and discuss.

    Minecraft has it own minez and its log out idea would work. You have to stay still for 15 second you can't move or use your weapon or it stops the log out.

    This would stop people from leaving when someone is around because in that 15 seconds they could line up a shot on your head.

  5. Exposition

    (although I'm sure the forum trolls and idiots won't read at all, and will instead just skip to blasting any idea ever created for advancing this game):

    I am not a new player. I am not a carebear that wants the game to be easy. I am not interested in camping spawn points. I am fairly resolved in my opinion, but I'm also open to discussion (and hoping for it [in an actual logical, thought out format]) about my hypothesis.

    I've been playing DayZ for a few months now, starting somewhere in patch 1.5 or 1.6, and I have seen and experienced all the many changes that have happened during this time. Overall, the changes have been positive at least in a long term though process (Ex: Respawn disabled pretty much pisses everyone off, but in the long run will definitely help counter some imbalance and some cheating issues. Or perhaps shitty, annoying, static blockades and other nuisances that interrupt normal paths.) and I try to see everything in terms of how it will effect the future of the game, not just how it will effect my instant gratification... but... one change that I have pondered and pondered and I cannot find a logical explanation for is the removal of a starting gun.

    Reasons for spawning without a gun:

    -Realism: Understandable, but unobtainable and futile in general. This is a video game and always will be. As awesome as it would be to have a "zombie simulator," to practice for the coming end of days, it isn't going to happen. And the ability to observe the difference between reality and a game, while still becoming completely engulfed in the game, is very important for the experience and the enjoyment of it.

    -Spawn Killing Prevention: Disabling a starting weapon did nothing to prevent this. In fact, if anything, it made it worse; the coasts used to be guarded by bandits with Makarov's, now they're guarded by bandits with AS50s and assault rifles. Pretty self explanatory.

    -?: I really can't think of any other major reasons to spawn without a gun, but please let me know if you think of any and I will update accordingly.

    Reasons for spawning WITH a gun:

    Instead of bulleting this section I think I'll just flat out state my reasoning for spawning with the gun, because I feel that it is important enough to justify all the reasoning needed.

    Spawning with a gun gives a sense of security, comfort, and to some, the sense of being a bandit whose story is the killing of others to survive. The covert and subconscious effect of spawning with a gun is the sense of freedom to do as you please. Spawning with a gun has always made me feel that I don't have to do anything... I can either: loot, kill, run, relax, kill or kill. Spawning WITHOUT a gun made me feel that instead of having no "quest" to complete, I needed to go and get everything I needed as soon as possible and have a regimented playstyle, whatever that may be. When I started with a gun and some beans I was the master of my destiny, this was MY story, but now I feel as if I'm playing the game's story. This small change has caused me to go from doing what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted, because I wanted to, to doing everything I need to do, because I NEED to do it. Which is a horrible feeling in a game that is supposed to be so open and so free.

    The reason I am posting this is because I strongly believe that I am not the only one who feels this way, and I'd just like to see if that is the truth or if I'm a complete moron and don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

    In Conclusion

    The potential that this game had for me is slowly diminishing and I think that, in the long run, spawning empty handed will prove to be a killer and squashing it now will prevent much heartache from the developer team and many grievances from the players. Perhaps there is many additions and fixes that need to be added to the game to make a more full play experience, but this is a small fix that will work wonders and will appeal to the masses as this game becomes more mainstream and more stable to play.

    Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think below.

    I miss those days of starting with a pistol and 2 clips.

    The food and water was really nice too.

    If not a pistol a random axe or crowbar would be nice to start with.

  6. When it comes to melee I know the hatchet is highly preferred over the crowbar. Not only it is a good melee but not to mention u can gather firewood with it, but what of the crowbar? Compared to the hatchet it is rather weaker, takes more hits to kill a zombie. What if there was a way that something like crates were randomly spawned on the map, only way to open them is by crowbar. One crate type can have somthing like food and drinks, also have a rarer military crate that contains a weapon or two with ammo for it. It seems like a tall order but it was just an idea I had. :|

    Yes yes Y.E.S

    Crates would be cool or even buildings with door ways you need a crowbar to open.

    Could use a crowbar to break a car if you wanted a fast way of doing it.

    breaking the eng 1 or 2 wheels and the hull but uses up the crowbar.

  7. I really don't like the idea of mines.

    First off there will always be dupers and some hackers out there,

    Think about it all the major cities would be inaccessible because of all the "Anti-personnal mines".

    There's to many reasons not to add mines :)

    Yeah at least bear traps are easy to spot and remove ... when inside citys.

  8. better idea would be going insane after a while.

    But it would just be fore killing user who have yet to even pick up a weapon.

    Killing like 10 unarmed noobs could make a user go nuts giving them a harder dayz life.

    They would start seeing none real users with good guns aiming at them or following them.

    The idea being they would think "crap ! BANG BANG" they shoot them and everyone now knows where the bandit is while no one had to die.

    It waists aim and makes shit hard for a player killer who picks on unarmed users.

    This could carry over to people snipping guys with just a crap axe or pistol.

  9. Actually a very fair suggestion. The prison and ship sound good, but the underground thing people have been asking for instances and what not, its stating to get annoying, but it would be a good idea if people stop comparing this to wow.

    yeah the underground areas would be linked to the normal world in real time no loading screen nothing. This is not wow but we could use more in depth building or areas to search / banker in.

  10. Noob here. Seems to me that anyone with half a brain could find a stick, golf club, pocket knife, fireplace poker, or even a kitchen knife to defend themselves with before venturing out. Starting with NO weapon seems overly harsh and borderline unrealistic. Its like they dropped you from the sky into the wilderness to start out. I for one could find a ton of weapons before even leaving my garage...

    Dont get me wrong, I LOVE the game, but any pointy object SHOULD be part of the starting equipment.

    Use to spawn with a piston and 2 clips.

    So all newly spawned users would just gun each other down on the shore line.

  11. Zombies in this game are completely unrealistic and they're total asshats. I mean, they sit at spawn and kill unarmed players who are just trying to get loot.

    They just make the game too difficult and they should be completely removed to fix their game-breaking attitudes. Who agrees with me?

    (Disclaimer: Only respond if your opinion is exactly the same as mine because I don't want to hear other people's views.)

    lol this most be a trollor your a idiot.

    The zombies are super easy to deal with more so now that you can loss them with line of site.

  12. Ok so after playing a while I've most of the time people kill each other just to take each others items.

    But what if opening someones back pack could kill you ?

    A few days ago I found a satchel charge for the first time ever in my game time.

    Blowing up buildings is cool and all but .. why can't I put the charge in my back pack and make a trap.

    Using some other items would be the key unless we just added a option to click the charge and set it in our pack.

    The idea would be if your satchel charge and other items are in your bag then its armed.

    If you're killed and a bandit opens your back pack BOOM hes dead.

    Plus you'res and his loot is not forever gone.

    A few different opens could be put in.

    Like ones armed you can open your bag cause you know how to with out blowing up.

    But if your buddy opens it with out asking Boom he just killed you both.

    That could be the down side to having it armed in your back the risk of someone opening your bag with out asking and getting you both killed.

    A other option would be it only arms if your heart stops beating.

    But for this I'm not sure if we could do that as is or have to add some new loot item to make it fair.

    The main idea is this would cut back on people killing each other for food/ammo a little. (I know that a lot just kill each other for the murder points but you get the idea)

    Seeing how rare satchel charges you may never run into someone with a rigged bag.

    So what do you guys think? would it be a fun little twist to have as a option or is it to much?'


    Could do the same with tents arming hem to blow.

    Plus it would have to be a satchel charge.

    Could fill empty cans with foul and break your flash light. (or just grenades smoke bomb or flare could be used for different affects)

    mixing them into a flash that would hurt the person opening the pack slightly.

    But would mainly just burn up all your gears and pack.

    Could make it if someone shoots your pack it explodes or could be that it can't explode that way.

    Just so people can't use it for easy kills like we know they would.

    Or we make that ones the heart stops its armed thing work.

  13. I'm having issues like most of you.

    It took me 4 hours to stop being kicked back to the server list when I tried to join. Only to play for like a hour then died. Now every server I go on I spawn and fall over with the timer then die and that's it. I can't play I just keep dying over and over.
