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TwesT (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TwesT (DayZ)

  1. Can I get whitelisted? Edit: Nevermind, forgot you PM'd me the password
  2. Would be nice if Bistudio would reply to my emails so I could get on here and play >:(
  3. Can't wait to play this. Once I get my Bad CD key error straightened out I'll get on. Still waiting to hear back from Bistudio. As for the Southern faction, you guys have any ideas for a name? @Scuba any chance on a separate forum for the server?
  4. TwesT (DayZ)

    Might be making a RPG TvT DayZ server.

    I was just looking for a server like this, lol. Would definitely be interested. I think the small independent groups are a great idea as well, as it would add a lot of depth to the server and effect the way everything plays out as far as power struggle between the two main clans (due to alliances being formed with the smaller, independent groups)