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Posts posted by cooper2244

  1. Today I killed someone in Elektro and on his body was an AS50 TWS. Since it was better than my Ak I took it.

    It wasn't until after I had finished playing I found out it was a hacked in weapon.

    Is it wrong to keep it and if so where should I leave it?

  2. You shouldn't have been because its against the rules to ban for it as far as I know, I just mention it because I think it's wrong to hop so many servers looking for one particular item and also I have had one player admit to me he does it all the time and has 6+ Heli's on different server's, how about trying to steal it from a squad who have repaired it, that takes skill and ball's and FOR ME would get you more respect.

    Yea I did cross my mind it was wrong but I thought that since we had worked hard for the parts it was okay to hop for the chopper but since you have mentioned it I will just wait on a server until it respawns or I find where the chopper is.

    Thanks for your help!

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  3. Me and my friends have all the parts to repair a chopper so we swam over to Skalisty island hoping to find a chopper we didn't and then tried 30+ other servers not finding a chopper on any of them. Any advice would be much appreciated

    Additional Info

    • We made sure each time we spawned we were more than 100m away so it didn't despawn
    • We know this is where it spawns because we have seen videos and seen it spawn there before
