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Everything posted by UnbornAssassin7

  1. Skype: UnbornAssassin Age: 15 (Sound like I'm older) In-game: Brandon (Go by Brandon) Country: US. Central time Player Type: Sniper, team player. Started playing a few weeks ago, I usually play with a group. Tend to stick around in Electro and up north. Know how to get around and am set ATM. Terrible luck finding backpacks as well, lol. Always on in the weekends, and on most weekdays. Love to play DayZ, I'm not sure if im supposed to but I'dd the others whoposted their skype, actually know one already. Hope to play with, and join the Renegades.
  2. UnbornAssassin7

    Looking for a crew

    sent request :)
  3. UnbornAssassin7

    Looking for a group of guys to hang out with.

    Hey, only 16 but looks fun. Add me on skype : UnbornAssassin Thx
  4. UnbornAssassin7

    Looking for one more

    Hey, I'm sorta new. I'm on now - add me on skype - UnbornAssassin. It might be unbornassassin7 but i don't think there is a 7.
  5. UnbornAssassin7

    Need people to play with! [U.S]

    added u
  6. UnbornAssassin7

    Looking for buddy/buddys!

    Hey, my skype is unbornassassin. I'm semi-experienced, 15 and live in central time zone
  7. UnbornAssassin7

    Forming a small, CREATIVE playing group

    Having troulbe adding you on skype - I fit all the requirements but can't add you - my skype is UnbornAssassin
  8. UnbornAssassin7

    group looking for new people to play with

    I tried to add you on skype but couldn't fine our skype username.. Not sure. Add me - UnbornAssassin on skype
  9. UnbornAssassin7

    Recruiting for Group/Clan

    AGE: 15 Player Status: Not sure what you mean by player status. Sorry. (Not a bandit if that's what it means) In-game username: Brandon What is your Skype Username?: UnbornAssassin What Country are you from?: US What is your sex?: Male My steam is also UnbornAssassin
  10. UnbornAssassin7

    Looking for new players

    Hey, just added you on skype. :)
  11. Hi, I've been playing DayZ for a couple weeks now and am looking for some other guys to play with. I'm 15 and live in the central time zone in US. I would prob be on during weekends and after 7pm during the week. If anyone wants to play just add me on steam, id: UnbornAssassin
  12. UnbornAssassin7

    Need Friends/Team on Dayz

    Heyy. If you want just add me on steam, Id: UnbornAssassin (There's not a 7 in steam id)