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About clovestad

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    On the Coast
  1. clovestad

    Looking for group

    i play on atlanta 12 and 11 dayz name is pettingzoo been playing for awhile and starting to get old dying way out in the woods cause i got a broke leg and cant crawl back, if youre lookin to team up pm me on here i dont have a steam setup yet.
  2. clovestad

    DayZ Stories

    not quite a long story more of a discovery. well after the menacing provess of gearig up and dying over and over again , i made my one goal to find or fix a vehicle.(as i have never seen or riddin in any) so i start out just hightailing it to all the firestations looking for toolboxed and parts dying along the way respawing somewhere on the coast over and over. the last time i respawned i look to the water and what do i see? A frickenBOAT!! super excited i swim out losing my pack with the begining goodies to get into the boat. the boat still had a little bit of gas so im wondring why someone would leave it. i then realize that the small boat is almost as slow as walking.. let down by the raw unexcitement of the small boat i coase up the coast looking for another town due north,till i run out of gas. stuck in the middle of i have no idea i letgo my fantasy of finding a sweet vehicle and roaming the map so i head inland. after about 20 mins of hiking thru the woods i stumble towards something i this is a treestand . once i got close enough i realize that is wasnt a treestand it was two sweetass atvs. the excitement was so shortlived as when i got on they were all gassed up and ready to o except for one tire was popped bare rim style. yet again in the middle of nowhere with some broken toys and a whole lot of frustration. i think now i am willing to settle on the fact that working vehicles are a myth.. maybe one day ill stumble upon those lucky finds again and actually have the means to fix them..
  3. clovestad

    Introduce yourselves

    my name is pettingzoo(ingame also), and i am an alcoho..... wrong meet an greet.. found out about dayz on a kotaku Enewsletter and so far it is one of the best games i have ever played(and only in alpha!) lookibg forward to where we as a community and the dev team are gonna take this game
  4. clovestad

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    although about ninty percent of the players now are all shoot first ask later types there are still friendlies out there. but once you start really making your way around youlle lose trust which is good cause you become emotinally tied into the game. it does suck that you cant find many friendlies around but its survival of the fittest. for example if i meet a stranger and were way in the boonies and my food/water is blinking ill shoot em right there cause theres a chance they got what i need and i have a means of getting it.does this make me a bandit? no im just surviving, cause in other situations if im balls deep in cherno and i know im gonna die if i hear or see someone else in trouble ill jump on in and help them.grantedr they dont shoot me on the spot an accept the help my chances of gettin out of there alive just doubled. and one everything is said and done i now have a commrade. i wouldnt have taken it as far as uninstalling just cause banditry is getting more popular, just learn who to trust, rules of the road my friend
  5. clovestad

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    the one time a year i get to go on vacation and here i am sitting on the messageboards drooling over a new build that comes right as Iam leaving for said vacation for the better half of a month. oh well, all the fixes sound great cant wait to get back and play without as many bugs.
  6. clovestad

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    definatly one and two. dont like to remind myself of the you are dead screen...