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Posts posted by Brinkk

  1. Okay, the "Chance Percentage" for spawns is in the table, which is smart and good coding. You will need to just check your "spawns" table and check the UH1H_DZ entries. If the entries are just "UH1H" that won't work, it has to be the dayz version "_DZ".

    Also, since this is based on Guru Abdul's Sanctuary server, the spawn locations will not necessarily be standard. He put some on castles, on roofs, in the wilderness, etc. Some of his spawn locations were 'bad' locations to and would cause vehicles to phase through buildings, slide down hills, or be half in/half out of the ground. I found that I had to actually physically stand were I wanted the vehicle, copy my position and paste it in the spawns table to make sure I got a good spawn.

    Well, if i copy this and put it in my folders, it should be ok? Or?

    Kinda new to this :(

  2. "my $limit = 0;

    if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {

    $limit = 10;

    } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /UAZ.*|S1203.*|.*boat.*/) {

    $limit = 4;

    } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /ATV.*|Skoda.*|TT650.*|UH1H.*|hilux.*|Ikarus.*|Tractor|Volha.*/) {

    $limit = 3;

    } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /V3S.*|Ural.*|PBX|SUV.*/) {

    $limit = 1;


    # Skip this spawn if the vehicle is over its per-type limit

    if ($limit > 0 && $count >= $limit) {

    print "INFO: Vehicle $vehicle->{otype} is at its limit of $limit spawns\n";



    # Skip this spawn if the spawn chance was not met

    if (int(rand(100)) > ($vehicle->{chance} * 100)) {



    # Generate random damage value

    my $damage = rand(0.75);

    if ($damage <= 0.05 or $vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {

    $damage = 0;


    # Generate random parts damage

    my $health = '';

    if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {

    @parts = ();

    } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /TT650.*|.*boat.*|PBX/) {

    @parts = ('["motor",1]');

    } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /UH1H.*/) {

    @parts = ('["motor",1]','["elektronika",1]','["mala vrtule",1]','["velka vrtule",1]');

    } else {

    @parts = ('["palivo",1]','["motor",1]','["karoserie",1]','["wheel_1_1_steering",1]','["wheel_1_2_steering",1]','["wheel_2_1_steering",1]','["wheel_2_2_steering",1]');


    $health = genDamage(@parts);

    # Execute insert


    $insert->execute($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'});

    print "Called insert with ($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'})\n";


    That's mine^

  3. Lol, why be scared? I run a superb little private hive server easily for 25 players, mostly clan mates but open to the public.

    The box is a:

    W7 64

    Intel Dual Core @ 3.6ghz

    5gb DDR2 ram @ 400mhz

    8800GTX 512mb graphics

    BT Infinity broadband @ 69mbs down & 29mbs up

    There is a 0 cap on my usage & speeds are consistant with low pings all round from UK.

    With 5 choppers & 15 players the server has performed extremely well, so don't be scared friend.

    Well, how do i manually add more vehicles etc. chopper on privatehives if the chopper dosen't spawn?

    Maybe this is a dumb question but im kinda new to this...
