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About Thradok

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Server: US 340 Time: 4:30pm CST I found a box full of weapons, ammo, tools, etc. Pretty much every item in Arma from what I could tell, most of it isn't in DayZ as far as I know. It was just north of the Airbase. Screenshots here: http://imageshack.us/gal_old.php?g=802/approach.jpg (Yes, I grabbed some stuff in my initial shock. Perfectly willing to have my char reset, or suicide, heh. I'm not playing again until this gets sorted anyway)
  2. Thradok

    You were kicked from game

    Got it working. I'm talking only about getting kicked before being able to click 'ok,' not sure exactly on other people's problems. I just re downloaded all of Dayz, and updated to the arma 2 beta version.
  3. Thradok

    You were kicked from game

    Anyone have a solution yet?
  4. Thradok

    You were kicked from game

    Same thing is happening to me on I never make it farther than the map lobby where you click "OK." Tried doing what Azimov said, but it didn't change.
  5. Thradok

    Completely unable to die []

    Yup, same thing happened to me. Bandit shot the crap out of me, I went to -8k, and just stood there. He shot me more and more, I went to -64k and couldn't move or check my gear. Finally got tired of him and unloaded a Makarov in his face, poor guy. We'll see if it goes away.