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About deathrush

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Hardcore/Metalcore music, Fly fishing.

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  • Bio
    Prior military, I have travelled the world and seen many great sights.
  1. deathrush

    A few questions...

    1. Does your blood type reset when you die or when the persistance is reset on wednesdays? I had B+ blood type that persisted through death until today it changed. 2. Why are there the giant loot piles in all of the military buildings? I heard of the waterfall of loot but can someone explain further why it is there and if it is caused by players exploiting or is it a mechanic glitch? 3. Do cooking pots cook food faster than over a camp fire? Food over a camp fire takes FOREVER to cook.
  2. Mods....can we get some clarity on this issue? It is really annoying and is affecting us pretty badly.
  3. During the past week since the patch, I have had hell trying to fill water bottles and canteens. Anyone having issues with this? I put them in hand and go to a lake or something and the full bottle NEVER shows up.
  4. So, Rabbit snares out for like 15 minutes while I am fishing...I had 3 of them out. Come back and they are just sitting there. To put them out I just Threw it out of my inventory onto the ground. Is that the right way to do it? And how long does it take for the snare to either succeed or "fail" so that I have to reset it? Same with fish traps...anyone have more info on this?
  5. deathrush

    Weapon camo patterns and wraps...

    Thank you, this is what I wanted.
  6. deathrush

    Weapon camo patterns and wraps...

    Sweet...now what about the camo patterns? How does one mix paint sprays to achieve different patterns, and can you do it on guns besides the mosin?
  7. Do these work on anything other than the mosin? If so how do you achieve the camo patterns?
  8. deathrush

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    Santa...I wish everyone was fortunate enough to be able to read.
  9. deathrush

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    You need new friends....
  10. Well rocket has said himself that the thing that makes DayZ what it is, and why it's so amazing, is the fact that players CAN choose what they want to do when it comes to player interaction and it not negatively affect the way your character progresses throughout the game. In the mod this was extremely prevalent and gave you that sense of "Oh crap! Another player!", all the while your heartrate increases and your palms get sweaty. That is what the mod was all about. The uncertainty of the mentality of the other player. The fact that you KNEW that you could possibly be killed on sight is what made the game exciting. The addition of the Hero/Survivor/Bandit skins made it even better. If they are a bandit, blast his skull open. Hero? If your another hero or survivor...approach with gun down and hail over direct chat. If they are a survivor, then you know to be wary and not let your guard down until they have proven themselves not hostile, and even then keep an eye on them. I know in SA it is different with the ability to change clothing and such, but hopefully they will add a humanity system in eventually. As far as people who run up to someone with a hatchet in hand, or a gun pointed at them and yell "Friendly! Dun shewt may pl0x!", get shot in the face, and bitch about it on these forums, here is my message to you. Don't be a fool. Don't EVER approach anyone from the front or from a vulnerable position just to see if they want to "hang out like br0s". That is what get's you pushing up daisies. Instead, be the one that gets the drop on them. Hunt, stalk, sneak, conceal, track, and work your way to a spot where you have the advantage in the situation and THEN let them know your there. Tell them to holster their weapon or you will kill them. Or ask if they have something you need, but ALSO let them know you would be willing to trade for it. And guys...don't ask for a blood bag and some sterile bandages in return for something like a fracking kiwi. If you did that to me, I would shoot you in the face just for being an idiot. Offer a clip of ammo or a box of shells. Something of value. This is how you interact in DayZ if you don't want to be killed on sight WITHOUT ADDING TO THE PROBLEM<----inb4 KoS is best way. If you get seen...run if you don't want to take the chance. Most of the baw kiddies that whine at KoS are the ones that are WILLING to take that chance, just because they are too lazy to run away and try someone else or find the gear/help themselves. I've been playing DayZ for awhile now, and played on a VERY heavily KoS server that was run by 2 bandit clans and 1 hero clan. Everytime I died, it was because I engaged bandits. Not b/c I got stabbed in the back by another player or KoS'ed by a survivor. One of the first people I grouped up with on that server was someone I caught stalking me, hid behind a rock, and held him up. I didn't kill on sight, and it proved to be worth it. He and I went on to hold up 2 more guys, which ended up also joining the group. This group eventually developed into a survivor clan that could finally fight back the bandit clans with some effectiveness, and we played for a good 6 months on that server battling it out against those bandits. This is why DayZ is such an amazing game, and why potentially "nerfing" KoS will kill the game. Make bandits look like bandits/ only be able to wear bandit clothes. Make the appearance tell who the person is, and everything will settle itself from there.
  11. deathrush

    Drawing blood from yourself when healthy?

    Would be great. Take your own blood when your healthy so that you start to regenerate, but you will become very hungry and thirsty by the time you have regenerated most of your blood. Lots of food and drink on your person would be a good idea before doing this. Sounds like a plan to me. Although it would eliminate the need for another player, thus increasing the amount of KoS in the game......so nevermind. Haha.
  12. deathrush

    Losing Character !

    I really wouldn't be trying to make a series on ANY game that is in PRE-Alpha stage....Juss sayin'.
  13. Is this possible? I am at full health/full tummy/and hydrated, and I've seen some people say that you can put your own blood into a blood bag. I just get the "Inspect" option on the bloodbag when I try, and it won't let me combine the bag with an IV starter kit, so I feel pretty helpless atm...anyone know if I'm just doing it wrong or I can only fill it with another persons blood?
  14. Setting up for tomorrow's SG3! I got my 12 pack and my snacks ready....Twitch is setup on the XBOX so I can put it on the big screen....one thing missing. I need a list of who is going to be partnered with who so I can make a checklist to mark off peeps as they are slaughtered in carnage. Can anyone make this list for me please?
  15. Is it single person teams or pairs like SG2? If it is teams then can someone give me a list of the teams b/c I am going to make a checklist and mark people off as they get killed. Throwing SG3 on the big screen and buying a 12 pack and some snacks proper like.