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Everything posted by elemein

  1. elemein

    Playstyles in DayZ

    So I've been playing DayZ for a little while now; not too long, about a week or two, but enough to get my bearings solidly and know the real basics of the game. Though I'm kind of wondering now; things are starting to seem repetitive. I just seem to be going in an endless loop of; Die>Find good weapons>PvP>Die. I have heard of a couple other playstyles; such as Die>Find good medical supplies>help people with blood bags and such>die because you THOUGHT the person you were helping was trustworthy, but instead they just shoot you in the face when you get close. And I've also tried Die>Spend an hour and a half finding parts for a car> Build one> Drive your clan buddies around> Your clan buddies dont need driving around anymore> Get sniped spontaneously while trying to find fuel for said vehicle... So what does everyone else do to get the most enjoyment out of this game? I've heard of the lifestyle of living off the land; and I could imagine that being entertaining for a bit, but wouldnt that get repititive? I havent tried it yet, but I'm up to just about ANY lifestyle so that I can find my perfect fit in this game :) So, any suggestions? What does everyone else do?
  2. elemein

    Trading M14 AIM for offer

    Im really not pickie. I'll take more or less any fair offer.
  3. elemein

    [O9] Circle 9 is now recruiting!

    In-game Name: Sebastian Steam name: elemein Age: 16 Your current timezone (UTC): -5 EST Mic: Yes How long you've been playing: Week Your preferred role (medic, sniper, assault, etc.): Medic
  4. Age: 16 Location (state or territory): Canada, Ontario Skype: elemein Time in DayZ: A week. Im part of the "inexperienced" group ;) What do you like to primarly do: I like scavenging, setting up construction, driving vehicles/picking people up, spotting, medical support; most unconventional things. I am not big on PvP but am no slouch in a fight either.
  5. ====================== NAME: Sebastian Soeiro AGE: 16 TIMEZONE: -5 EST CLAN EXPERIENCE: Lots of clan experience outside of DayZ; this would be my first DayZ clan if I am accepted. PVP EXPERIENCE: Lots of 1v1 DayZ PVP experience as I am usually a "lone wolf". PLAYSTYLE: (MEDIC, SNIPER, ASSAULT, SPOTTER, ETC..) : I find most enjoyment in gathering supplies, living off the land, operating vehicles, setting up construction, and many other non-conventional duties. SKYPE: elemein ======================================================================
  6. Location: Canada, Ontario Age: 18 Steam username: MDR-V6 Where did you hear about us? Forum How often do you play video games? Every day; usually 2-3 hours minimum What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? Survival, FPS, RTS, and the very occasional RPG What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? I hope to establish a good group of friends to play DayZ with. I have no ambigious or specific reason of wanting to join the Resistance other than to make some friends and be part of a group. What made you choose this community over any other organized community? The professionalism in the clan is very attractive, as well as the fact it is a larger clan. Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? No. What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Sailing, Cooking, C# and VB.NET programming, Writing, and a few others. Anything else you'd like us to know? No, I'm good. Any questions? Again, no thanks.
  7. Looking for a fun and mature group to play with :) I live in Ontario, Canada, so dont respond if your primary server is too far away. My Skype addy is : elemein Add me on Skype if you wanna get in touch so that we can play. I just got the game today; I'm a noob.
  8. Sent you a Skype request. Mine is elemein
  9. elemein

    Forming a small, CREATIVE playing group

    I meant what area on Earth. Canada? USA? Europe?
  10. elemein

    Forming a small, CREATIVE playing group

    I might join, but it depends what area the server you play on is in.
  11. I am a brand spanking new player; I have just purchased ArmaII CO (5 minutes ago to be exact, so it's downloading) and will be getting the mod after it finishes. I am looking for a group. Any good, friendly, and fun-oriented group will work for me. Your group MUST communicate via mic, be able to play fluidly with someone in Canada, Ontario (not playing with you if your primary server lags me to hell), and mature (no drama, just fun please! :D ) That's really all I'm looking for; just a group to have fun with and grow my character around. Anyone want to recruit me ? :)