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About remorce

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    On the Coast

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  1. remorce

    FPS Capped all of a Sudden

    Well for some strange reason it eventually went back to normal after about 5-6 hours :S weird
  2. remorce

    Dayz+ The Walking Dead Game OST

    Playlist i mate on youtube
  3. Am i the only one that Things that Both Combined are awsome? :P latley whenever i Start up Dayz i alt-tab and start up playing the Soundtrack while muting the ingame audio
  4. remorce

    FPS Capped all of a Sudden

    i thought that it was my drivers aswell, but nope it was working fine yesterday i was staying at 50+ But as i said, even with setting to default or lowest it puts me down to 10-15 only thing i can think of is doing a fresh install
  5. This is Really Weird, ok First off this is my spec's CPU: i7 2700k@ 3.8Ghz GPU: gigabyte GTX670 RAm: 8 GB Corsair Vengence HD 2x1TB WD HD PSU: 650w Corsair OS:windows 7 Ok so my problem is, All of a Sudden i dont know when exactly, but my Fram Rate seams to Be Capped, i can usually run with everything on the highest setting+fullsight and still have 50+ frames, however Now its Staying at a Constant 10-15 Frames even when i turn everything down to the lowest settings Inc resolution and sight its still 10-15 i have absolutly no idea why its doing it, nor do i know when it started exactly i tryed looking on the forums but i coudlnt find anyone else with this issue, And i ran Test's on the GPU aswell as CPU and RAm while the game was running just to see if they were at fault but they were all averaging <30% usage i am completely Baffled its so weird i tryed running other games, Such as Bf3 or Crysis, just to be sure that it wasnt my computer itself, And they worked fine .. Computers, only thing around that can do the most random things that leave you wondering wtf xD