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About khaosfaction

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  1. khaosfaction

    Need helping setting graphics lower then allowed.

    yeah, that was arma2.cfg. my bad. language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=48387; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=1024; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=800; Render_H=600; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1064308736; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=7; FXAA=0; Windowed=0; thats OA still going to try what you said and see how that works.
  2. khaosfaction

    Need helping setting graphics lower then allowed.

    my graphics settings are as set on very low. everything in the video options are either disabled or on lowest. and the settings in the arma2oa.cfg are... language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=31915; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=1024; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1440; Render_H=900; FSAA=1; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1064308736; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; Windowed=0;
  3. My PC isnt the greatest, infact i call it a shit machine for a reason. If anyone could help me configure my arma to go lower then the lowest settings in the options that would be great. if it helps my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 4650 and my processor is an AMD anthlon II X4 635. extra addons will work i would just need to know how to install them. i also use steam to run arma. Incase anyone is wondering i get playble FPS but id much prefer to get more, even if that means sacrificing looks.
  4. khaosfaction

    IF this was an actual game...

    I've already talked to my friend i play daily with on if Day Z was a standalone game. Our answer was plain and simple. Yes. Game purchase only. Studio with some community insight. Kickstarter.
  5. I bought Arma2:CO recently for this mod. When i got into a server i did ask a bit and what channel has what radius but i'm still confused. Anyone mind telling me what channel does what?
  6. khaosfaction

    What goals do you set for yourself?

    (havent been able to play yet, soon...) top the leaderboards with most murders and most kills as well as become a notorious asshat.
  7. khaosfaction

    Bandit changing

    i have to comment on you "owning" a city. i love a group who attempts to take a piece of land shooting anyone on sight.
  8. khaosfaction

    How many people have you converted?

    i heard about this mod on /v/ so i thought id take a look at it because it sounded interesting as hell. at the time i was at my friends house with my PC and in a skype call with another friend and i sent a gameplay video to both and ones hyped as hell to get a copy of arma 2 to try this out and the other isn't as hyped but will still enjoy the game. i haven't purchased a copy of arma 2 for myself yet but i most definitely will.